𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3

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I'm amazed your still reading this also hopefully this book is not so bad anyways its 7:05 in the morning and I'm tired. Enjoy the chapter.
We walked into my room to find Carlos still playing on my computer, while Liam and Michael are just sitting on my bed watching YouTube on my tablet.

"Why don't you guys play on your own stuff" I asked wanting then to get out my room.

"Because your stuff is better" Carlos said still playing roblox.

I turned my computer off and took my tablet from Micheal and Liam

"Get out of my room" I said pointing towards the door, 👉🚪.

"I'm telling mom" yelled Liam running downstairs to tell on me.

"I don't care" I yelled at him even though he is probably already telling on me by now.

I closed my door and walked towards where my bed was, I sat next to Nick who was looking around my room.

"So what do you wanna do" I asked following where his eyes landed. I quickly got up to close the drawer he was looking at.

"Why do you have a drawer filled with all that stuff" He asked me still staring at the drawer before looking at my fully.

"Uhhh you know just for emergency" I said avoiding eye contact, "Well why don't we put all of them to use hmm" Nike said in my ear with a smirk on his face.

"NO, I-I mean not now because my mom and siblings are home and you know how loud I am" I said scratching the back of my neck still avoiding eye contact.

"I have to go I'll see you tomorrow" Is all Nick before he kisses me on my cheek and left.

I just sat on my bed wondering what i did wrong at first I started to cry thinking it was my fault that he left early, but then I started to scream into my pillow because I thought that he left because I did not want to have sex with him witch is a dumb reason to leave someone.

My emotions kept changing between those 2 until my stomach, eyes and throat started to hurt, my eyes was hurting due to me crying so much and my throat was hurting due to me yelling to much, my stomach was hurting because of both me screaming and crying.

I just layed in my bed looking at the ceiling the whole time ignoring everyone, while blocking out the sound of things happening around me the rest of the day.
(Next day)

I woke up with a massive headache that felt like it would just get worse if I sat up. And of course I sat up but as soon as I did I fell back onto my bed.

I just stayed on my bed looking at my ceiling because I have nothing better to do with this massive headache.

My mom walked into my room to grab my laundry but as soon as she walked in she noticed I was still on my bed in my regular clothes just looking at her.

"What the hell are you still doing here your supposed to be at school" my mother yelled at me.

"I know but I have a massive headache and every time I sit up it just gets worse and my ears start to ring" I said looking at my mom's face soften.

"Well I can't do anything about that but I can give you some medicine and food because I have to leave in 1 hour" she said picking up my laundry basket and leaving.

I waited about half a hour before my mom gave me some medicine and food, before she left she gave me a bunch of snacks so I did not need to get up and go get them my self.

I was laying down in my bed all day only getting up to turn my TV on and going to the bathroom.

It was around ④:⑤⑥ when someone knocked on my room door, I knew it was not my mom because she gets off of work at ⑥:⓪⓪ or ⑥:③⓪ and I told my siblings to not bother me.

I got out of bed slowly because my headache was still there a little. When I got to the door I opened it slowly for suspension for now particular reason.

I opened the door to see Nick standing there with chocolate in his hand with a bouquet of flowers, candy, and something else that made me blush slightly.

"What are you here for and what is this" I asked still a bit mad at him for what he did yesterday.

"Look I know you are thinking that I left quickly yesterday because you didn't wanna have sex with me, but I really left because when we was hugging I looked at me watch to check the time" He said before I interrupted him.

"And, what does that have to do with why you left so quickly" I asked because I just wanted to know why he left so quickly nothing else.

"Oh right, that was because I had to get home because I had to pack up my stuff because I'm moving" he said with a smile on his face a little too happy for me.

"W-where are you moving" I asked a little worried, "I'm moving next door" As soon as he said that I jumped on top of him and hugged him tightly and wrapped my legs around his torso to hug him better.

"Why didn't you tell me that early you idiot" I yelled at him mabey a little to loud.

"Because I wanted to surprise you" he said chuckling in my ear.

"Whatever don't ever do that again you Connard (Asshole)" I said holding onto him a little tighter.

Hope you liked this chapter because it took me a month due to me forgetting about it so much


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