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Geonhak feels his hands sweating and throws a concerned look at Youngjo, who is laughing heartily. "You're going to be alright," his friend says. "Haven't you had him over quite a few times now?"

"I'm just worried you won't like him," Geonhak mutters.

"I've handled Dongju, I can handle anyone." Youngjo winks at him. "Now open that door."

The blonde obeys and they can hear quick footsteps walking up the stairs of Geonhak's building. Seoho finally appears and, next to him, his girl in a beautiful sparkly emerald dress. All Geonhak sees is Seoho's bright face and back-combed hair. He is wearing a thinly striped orange shirt, which only emphasises the warmth that radiates from him.

"Welcome, Seoho-ssi!" Geonhak announces in a shaky voice.

"Shouldn't we have stepped up to 'hyung' by now?" his friend replies playfully, shaking Geonhak's hand and smiling at Youngjo by his side.

"Oh — Right, hyung." Geonhak blushes involuntarily and rushes to introduce his two friends to each other.

Minbyeol then reaches out to him so he picks her up and gives her a peck on the cheek. "You're the most beautiful princess," he whispers in a low voice, which makes her giggle with happiness. "Sunnie is waiting for you in his bedroom," he adds, dropping her to the ground. "You guys come to the living-room if you're hungry or thirsty, okay?"

After Minbyeol is out of sight, Geonhak looks back at Youngjo, who is starting a conversation with the brown-haired father. "I'm finally meeting you, Seoho-yah! It was overdue, I couldn't bear one more minute of Geonhak-ah talking about you non-stop without knowing who you are."

"I don't talk about you that much," Geonhak tries to reassure Minbyeol's father.

"He does!" a soft voice interrupts from the living-room.

The blonde places a swift hand on Seoho's back to lead him to Seonah, who has just opened a bottle of wine. Seoho seems delighted with her, and they eventually all sit. Geonhak serves them the salad he has prepared while Seonah fills their bowls with soup.

"Youngjo-hyung," Seoho says casually, "I've been told you worked in the same place as Geonhak-ah? How do you put up with him everyday?"

The two men laugh together at the expense of their host, who feels his ears getting red. "I must say I'm quite lucky," Youngjo replies. "Geonhak-ah's the perfect coworker — quiet, efficient and helpful." He adds with a wink, "But if you're interested in joint custody, I'd be glad to be relieved of him." He fake whispers, "He's got no sense of humour."

"This is not true!" Geonhak complains.

Seoho shrugs and takes a bite of his salad. "I also have a weird sense of humour, apparently."

They all chuckle and hear the children's footsteps towards the living-room. Sunyul sits astride Youngjo's lap, and Minbyeol astride Geonhak's, both helping themselves with some food and getting all the adults' attention.

"Dad?" Minbyeol finally asks innocently. "When can we move in at Sunnie's? I love it here!"

"Not so soon, sweetie," Seoho answers, embarrassed.

"I'm sure Geonhak-ah will be thrilled," Youngjo says with a smirk. Geonhak throws him a glare. "You already practically live here anyway, don't you?"

Seoho grows even more awkward and the blonde finally gets up, taking the children to Sunyul's room and agreeing to read one of the boy's books with them. He is hoping to save Seoho from Youngjo's teasing remarks that way.

A few minutes later, his coworker shows up in the room and stoops next to the chair on which the children are seated. He winks at Geonhak who is on the same position on the other side of the chair.

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