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Geonhak speeds on his way to school. He has done everything he could for his co-manager to end the team meeting as early as possible, but, as usual when he is not in charge, things have lingered considerably. And now he is late to pick Sunyul up. Again.

Hopefully, Dongju will not hear about it. He doubts Mr. Yeo will call any of them for a mere fiften-minute delay. Geonhak parks on the now empty parking-lot, and strides towards the school gates. He immediately spots his son, his backpack ready on his shoulders, sitting in the playground on a still roundabout.

Geonhak then notices his teacher's pink ball of hair, right next to him. "Hi, hello!" Geonhak calls, out of breath. "I'm sorry, I'm here."

Sunyul gets up and runs to him. Geonhak picks him up from the ground to hug him. He sees Mr. Yeo raise, and Geonhak realises he is holding a little girl's hand in his. "Hi, Mr. Kim. Nice to see you. It's okay, you know. Apparently, you're not the only one late today," Hwanwoong says with a quiet smile in the girl's direction.

As he feels Sunyul bury his cold little nose in his neck, Geonhak details the girl and seems to recognise her long black hair and tooth-missing smile. "Is that Mr. Lee's daughter? Hum, Minbyeol, is it?"

"Yeah!" the girl exclaims, visibly happy she has been remembered. "But don't worry, dad's always late."

Mr. Yeo pets her hair with a piteous face, which must mean she is right. "He's going to be here any minute," he tries to reassure her. "I'll give him a call in a moment."

Geonhak frowns, concerned. "Do you want me to pick her up?" he asks the teacher. "You shouldn't have to stay so long after school. I'm truly sorry."

Hwanwoong seems to appreciate his proposal. But he shrugs. "It's alright. And I'm not sure Mr. Lee would be okay with that." He makes a small pause and offers him a bright smile. "You're free to go, Mr Kim. I'll see you tomorrow. On time," he adds teasingly.

Geonhak thanks him, apologising once again for abusing his kindness, and drops his son on the ground before heading for his car. As they walk up to the gates, hand in hand, Sunyul eventually asks his father, "Appa, why are Minbyeol and I the only left every time?"

"Appa's doing all he can, baby. I promise I won't be late again."

Suddenly, Geonhak hears quick steps coming near them and he looks up. He makes out Mr. Lee running on the pavement towards the school gates, holding a black leather shoulder bag in one hand and a grey suit jacket in the other.

The black-haired adult spots them too, and stops for a moment near them. He smiles to Geonhak and says, panting, "Oh, hey, tree carer."

Sunyul's father is too struck by the man's looks to react. Now that Mr. Lee has dropped the Frozen costume, Geonhak can see his features more clearly — his thin, now bare, eyes, his short black hair, with lighter streaks it seems, and his small rosy lips. For a few seconds, Geonhak stays paralysed, and finally utters a weak, "Hi, Mr. Lee."

"I'll be right back," the other man says before resuming his race inside the school.

Geonhak adjusts his glasses on his nose and slightly turns around to follow Mr. Lee's silhouette. He must say the man looks even better without his princess costume. Geonhak admits he likes long hair best — and Dongju's was simply magnificent, still is — but he finds Mr. Lee's especially elegant.

As Sunyul's father is trying to figure out whether they must wait for Minbyeol and Mr. Lee, the two emerge from the school gates, half running, half walking, but with big smiles on their lips. Mr. Lee waves at Geonhak. "Thanks for waiting!" He slows his pace to walk by Geonhak, while Minbyeol tries to get Sunyul to answer a shower of questions.

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