Untitled Part 3

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"I'll be going now." Soichiro exclaimed as he packed up his equipment for the night. It had been an average workday, though they had stayed up a bit longer than usual. He was the last one to leave, as he was the oldest there.

"Okay Dad, remember to grab an umbrella, there's a storm on the weather forecast." Light replied as he waved goodbye to his father. L stayed silent as he ate his cake, somewhat focused on the screen in front of him. Light turned back to his computer and continued with his work silently.

It was like that for about another two hours or so, before the brunette next to L yawned loudly. He rubbed his eyes slowly before shutting down his screen and turning to L sluggishly.

"I'm going to turn in for the night Ryuzaki." Light muttered as he stood up wearily. L got up from his chair before closing the laptop and following the college student to their shared bedroom.

Light closed his eyes, snuggling into the warmth of the high-quality bed. Ryuzaki sat beside him, typing away on his laptop. Rain poured down from outside, foreshadowing a big storm to come. Light sorted through the thoughts in his head, removing any unnecessary emotions for a dreamless sleep. He flinched suddenly as a roar of thunder erupted from the clouds outside. Ryuzaki's eyes averted from the screen to stare at him blankly, an obvious question in his eyes. 

To the outside person, Light seemed like the perfect person. Which he practically was, though he tended not to brag about it. He was the person girls dreamed about in their sleep, the person guys went green with envy anytime he looked their way. Because of his, the best of the best was always expected of him. Which is why feeling his father's cold stare on him after he corrected a teacher at school and got in trouble, was possibly the worst thing he could possibly feel for a perfect person like him. Hours of crying as he studied in his room, rain pitted-pattering on his window as thunder filled his ears. Physical abuse was bad yes, but sometimes mental abuse was even worse. Dragging himself home after a stern "scolding" from the local school bullies as rain rained down on his wounds. He could still feel the stagnant feel of air in his closet as he hid from the thunder.

Ryuzaki's piercing eyes finally left the back of Light's head as he calculated what was wrong with Light. The brunette snuggled even deeper as childhood trauma enveloped his head. He could feel the invisible tears pricking at his eyes as struggled to keep a blank face. His eyes widened as slim fingers combed through his hair comfortly, relaxing his body from the tense pose he had been in before second ago. Light closed his eyes once again, memories of his mother hugging him after one of his tests got full marks. Ryuzaki smiled slightly at the sleeping figure next to him, unwelcome memories of A filling his brain before they disappeared entirely as Light lips quirked up unexpectedly.

The Kira taskforce filtered slowly into the workroom, yawning tiredly before taking chugs of their coffee. Light sipped his tea quietly, averting his eyes from the taskforce in the big room. Soichiro was the last one to enter, texting his daughter to why he couldn't be there for her festival day. Light knew that he was doing that, because he had been like that for his festival day too( according to his mother). Somehow Ryuzaki also knew this, because he could feel his eyes flickering from him to his father.

" Was everyone okay in the thunderstorm last night? I got jumpscared so hard when I heard the thunder." Matsuda said tiredly. Mostly everyone nodded, though L noticed Light was as still as a log. He extended a hand to intertwine with Light's, grasping it tightly.

Everyone needed a little bit of comfort in their life.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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