Untitled Part 1

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Light is bored.

Terribly bored.

He's done all his homework, the house is squeaky clean and the clothes are currently in the dryer.

He was currently playing random games online, things like 'cookie clicker' and 'fireboy and watergirl'.

He reached into the chip packet and pulled one out, munching on it boredly. What could he do...   Reading? No, he read all the books in the house already, and being a genius he rarely found books he actually enjoyed. He kept thinking vigorously, his finger clicking furiously on the mouse.

His mother callled him down for dinner, her voice reverberating from the stairs. Light stood up and stretched, his back cracking satisfyingly. He grasped the door open and jumped down the stairs, skipping two steps at a time. He could hear little Sayu behind him running to catch up, so he jumped off the last step and sprinted towards the kitchen, determined to beat her. 

Sachiko smiled as she saw Light bounding towards her. he stopped suddenly and looked behind him, his mouth forming a smirk as he looked back at the now panting Sayu.

"I beat you." He said proudly, a triumphant glint in his eyes.

"That's 'cus you had a head start!" Sayu defended, her hands on her hips, knowing that she had the upper hand.

"Well-" Light began, but cut off when their mother motioned them to help her set the table. They got to work immediately, Sayu setting a lot more dishes than Light, sore because of the loss before.

"Did anything happen at school?" Sachiko asked as they were eating dinner. Light shook his head, silent as his mouth was full with his mother's excellent cooking.

"Well, one boy did piss his pants-" 

"Sayu!" Her mother stared at her bemused, her eyebrow almost disappearing in her light brown hair.

"Sorry!" Sayu covered her mouth sheepishly while Light was just wide-eyed. Where had his sister learnt that language??

"Where did you learn that language? We're some kids saying it at school or something?" Light asked, surprised his sister had started swearing at this young.

"No! Of course not. Well, my friend introduced me to this game called roblox! It's really fun and it censors swear words, but I joined this random game by accident and people started teaching me swear words. It took me a while to leave for some reason though." Sayu rambled, hurrying to defend herself. Their mother shook her head and smiled,

"It's okay Sayu, you may play the game, but always check what kind of game it is first okay?" Sayu smiled and pumped her fist in triumph. Light was silent once again, but this time because he had found his 'un-bored-er".

Light sat in front of the computer, the sign up page for 'Roblox' greeting him. He had done a Wikipedia search of the game, and was sceptical when it said it was an online game. He had watched some videos and was intrigued by the whole concept of it all. Overall, it was the most interesting thing he had seen in months.

What should his username be? He wanted it to be connected to him, but not filled with private information... Tsuki? His first name is written with the kanji for moon, so it makes sense... it wouldn't be obvious if he just called it 'moon light' right? So moonlight... already taken?? Okay then...light added an underscore... not appropriate?!?

30 mins later lmfao

Finally, all he needed to do was replace the underscore with an x... how long did it take him... 30 minutes?! Light sighed tiredly, rubbing his eyes slowly and wandering to his bed. It was 9pm and he was tired so a little nap would be fine right? He plopped himself on the bed and closed his eyes, exhaustion taking over him as he drifted off into a deep sleep.

Matt scrolled down the game list he had found online, and was disgruntled to see multiple games he had played before. Maybe he should try online games more? Fortnite was a big no-no, the terror of being harassed by dancing Sasukes was traumatising enough for him... maybe he should try Roblox again? He heard there were new games on the platform.

Why not? He thought as he logged onto his account, there had been many updates, and the invention of disgusting things called 'slenders'. He had encountered one just a week before in ragdoll engine. Matt sighed as he remembered Mello wanting to play the game because it looked 'fun' and then pulling out a gun when the slender had started talking. It had almost got them grounded again, which would have rendered Matt bored and Mello fuming (at Near for some stupid reason) for another week.

The website finally loaded as he was contemplating which game to play, when Mello bursted in  furiously. A white haired child was behind him, looking about as irritated as Mello. Matt rose his eyebrow curiously, wondering why Mello was with Near. He wouldn't even let himself be caught with the other for gods sake, why was Near here?

"Near will be staying here for the time being." an elderly man suddenly appearing in the doorway said disdainfully, before disappearing down the hall quietly. Mello sauntered in ungracefully, while Near shuffled in from behind nervously. 

"There is only one bed." Near stated blankly, staring at the two beds in the big room. Mello stared at the albino before muttering "obviously" and taking a seat next to Matt on his bed.

"So you're sharing with me Mells?" Matt asked, still confused about why the smartest child in the orphanage was sharing with them.

"No... apparently Roger doesn't want to 'inconvenience' you so me and him have to share. It also 'helps us bond'." Mello gritted out, trying to look anywhere but the toy-lover standing near his bed. Matt snorted, then quickly covered his mouth in 'fear'. The blond scowled at him, jumping off the bed and stomping out of their shared room; probably going to go raid the canteen for chocolate.

Near glanced at Matt with a question in his eyes, but Matt just shrugged and patted the spot Mello had been occupying before. The albino's eyes widened slightly before returning to his blank face. He walked forward cautiously and plopped himself on the bed, his stormy grey eyes staring at Matt's laptop. He was messing with his hair aggressively, a trait Matt knew meant the cogs were turning in his head.

"Which game should I play?" He asked, snapping Near out of his thinking trance.

"Uhm... the... bed game?" Near uttered hesitantly, contemplating why Mello's best friend was being so nice to him. He was also confounded with what this website was. Roblox? That sounded like a prototype of robot. And then Matt had asked him what game to play. Now Near was even more bamboozled.

"Okay then. Isn't this a Minecraft game though?" Matt scrunched his eyes together and surveyed the screen intently, before shrugging and joining the game.

A colourful lobby filled with equally colourful avatars greeted them. Matt had played this game once before, but he got bored of it and quit. Evidently, the creators had updated it a lot, there were new kits, new game modes, and the ability to make "clans" (whatever those were). Matt decided to invite everyone to his group, but no one accepted, except a bacon hair called moonxlight. 

Near watched with wide eyes as the bacon hair walked over to them and jumped, seemingly happy (?) that he finally had someone to play with. Matt directed his eccentric avatar over to join the queue for one of the relatively new game modes (squads lucky block) and joined it, eager to see what the new and updated game was like. He suddenly remembered that he had also acquired voice chat last week (literally just so he and Mello could scare the slender) and turned it on.

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