Chapter 10

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THOR POV (trying a new one)


3 MONTHS LATER (Everyone knows she's alive)


Today, I've bought the ring, amethyst with a heart carved inside. I've set up the roses, and I need to propose at the perfect time. So I slip Ros a note and tell her to come into the living room in ten minutes. She arrives at the ideal time, stunned by the arrangement in the living room. I start to fiddle with my fingers, and I take a deep breath as I go down on one knee and pull out the black box. I see her dorky smile spread across her face.

"Ros, ever since I met you, I loved you. We had some twists, but we eventually settled. After I thought you had died, my love burned stronger for you during that time, hotter than ever before, So to make me the happiest man on earth? Rosanne Ann Lushellxaff, would you become Rosanne Ann Odinson and marry me?" I quivered. She shook. 

"Y-Yes, Of course!"She smiled and rubbed her stomach, which looked more prominent than usual. I gave her a questioning look, and she answered it with a passionate kiss. She's pregnant. We were going to be a family, a great family. She would be the best mom in the world, no matter what she thought. We were going to rock this world. We would have no obstacles.

We go up to our bedroom, happy and refreshed. The next day, we decided to tell everyone at our dinner party. So I prepare the decorations, and Ros does cookies and food for everyone. Finally, at about seven to eight, everyone arrives. After eating the food, we made the announcement.

"I have two announcements. First, I will have a mini-me, and you are also all invited to our wedding!"Everyone's jaw dropped from Ros's comment but soon erupted into hugs for all of us. We ate cookies and talked till ten o'clock. Then, the kids started to get drowsy, so we sent them home. We spent the rest of the night wedding planning and waking up at 3:00 pm, tangled in each other's arms. They were the best days of my life.




I hold LoKia in my arms and coo at her when she starts to fuss. Her blonde hair peeks through the Captain America blanket that Steve gave us for Christmas. Unfortunately, it's a bit too small, as she snowballs. Her eyes are different from ours, a beautiful amber brown. They shimmer and, under the sun, look like golden gems flitting across the sky. But, of course, she is a gem herself.

"How is LoKia doing?" We have a nickname for her,  and everyone else calls her Lo. Loki calls her mini Loki, and she wouldn't have any powers, given that I wasn't born with mine. It's strange, though. Thor never calls Kia by her full name.

"Oh, she's okay, babe. I'm excited about the wedding. It'll be in a few weeks, right?" I chirp in excitement, thinking about our wedding. Thor gave a smile. Forced was that smile. It's caused, and the voice he had, was different. Very different. I put Kia down into her crib and went downstairs. There, I see a sight of horror.

Thor's dead body is on a test machine, and lightning from his body is being poured into vats. I see them trying to drink it, but the lightning is zapping them back. I call a red alert, but the Quinjet is out of commission, so I have to deal with this. The men are dressed in black clothes, and the HYDRA label is on them. A giant man manages to take a sip, though. 

"It's the wife! Shit! Keep pouring from him and make sure it doesn't go back. It'll bring him back to life! I'll deal with her," an enormous guy has sparks of yellow in his hands. I scoff and gather some in my hand. 

He throws the necklace into the lightning after ripping it off with the mention of Kia. I try to get it, but it's burnt after being in fresh lightning. So I try to rescue it, but lightning gets on my hands in my search, and my power immediately returns. With added power from the lightning, I kill everyone quickly and unplug the lightning, but some men appear from the window and replug the lightning. I roll my eyes and gather some magic at my side.    

I turn it into a tightly coiled rope and fling it at him. He tries to stop it with his little yellow sparks, but I choke him quickly, his neck turning white as I pull tightly pull on his neck with the lasso, and he falls to the ground, dead. The amount he drinks enters my body, and my lips curl into an evil smile. The men have started drinking but only sips. So I kill them just as quickly and suck in their power. 


So, Ros never needed that necklace in the first place! What do you think LoKia will be able to do? And how will Ros save Thor?


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