Chapter 1

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2 years later (after Splashes of Red)




It's been two years. Amazing years, the best years of my life. Nat and I have been together for more than a year, and my life has been changed by her for the better. She constantly drones on about how she doesn't deserve me, that I should get another girl, and how she is a bad influence on me, but I wouldn't trade her for the world. 

Nat's soft-touch awakes me from my train of thoughts. She smiles at me and my heart instantly melts. She's perfect. She smiles at me, and I smile back at her. 

"Babe, remember that Ros is coming over today alright? Make sure that you don't forget that she's a vegetarian. We don't need the incident from last week to happen again," she tells me, wagging her finger at me like an old woman. 

I laugh and I go to the kitchen. Ros has been coming over every week for a couple of months. Ever since Thor cheated on her with Jane, she comes over, spends time with Nat, and sometimes brings Wanda with her to heal the giant gaping hole that was caused inside her stomach. I know that Thor still loves her because he looks longingly at her, and he looks stressed with Jane. I have no idea what Jane is planning. I start on the food, and good thing I did, because I hear the doorbell ring. 

I close the door, and let Nat and Ros talk for a little bit, possibly with Wanda as well. A loud jolt awakes me. I hear the door slam and a moan. I immediately go outside and see Nat's crumpled body in the living room. The paralyzing shock, fear, and worry freeze me. I hear the doorbell ring, and when I answer it, It's Ros. Ros gasps when she looks at Nat, and she swears under her breath when she looks at Nat's bleeding leg. I sit on a chair while Rosanne carries Nat onto the couch because I can tell that Rosanne is going into her doctor mode, and doesn't want any disturbances. A couple of torturous minutes later, Nat is stirring and awake. 

"Nat? Are you okay?" I asked, planting a kiss on her forehead. I will get that person, even if it's Clint or Tony.

She moans in pain and doesn't reply, but shakes her head. Rosanne kneels down and massages her head, after which she takes a deep breath and starts to speak.

"Bruce, he was mad about us being together, and he threw me against the wall, I couldn't fight back, he injected me with something that paralyzed me," she whispers weakly, she seems so weak, and my anger at Bruce boils harder than ever before.

"Yep, I think he knocked you out, and then he shot you in the leg. I got rid of the drug. His special paralyzer." Rosanne replies, adding about three hundred tons of anger into my emotions. I can't release my anger though, I have to stay strong for Nat. I carry Nat up the stairs slowly, leaving Rosanne downstairs to report to Fury. Nat is then gently placed on the bed.  She isn't out like a lamp as I expected her to be though. She mumbles inaudibly and reaches out to me. Her breathing quickens and her hand drops to her side in an obvious panic attack. Thankfully I know how to deal with them. I cuddle with her and stroke her hair as I help her calm down. She then is out like a lamp, and I stay cuddling her for a long, long time after that.




My magic. It's something that I never tell anyone that much about. It's an infinitely useful tool, and I have Loki to thank for that. Since I grew up in Sokovia and was best friends with Wanda and Pietro, they were the only people that treated me well. I used to have Autism, and only they know (or knew, RIP Pietro) this. Not even Nat knows, and Loki gave me my necklace to erase it. Thor knew, and his cheating has been tearing me apart. We try to talk, but JANE FLOATER always drags him away. I can tell he is not happy with her, but I don't understand why he is still staying with her though. 

After Steve carried Nat upstairs, I reported it to Fury and Fury put me on a mission to bring Bruce in. I then suit up and tell Steve and he nods as I get into the Quinjet to where they think he is. I get off the jet and start looking around for him.

I stop dead as I see Bruce hiding in a very noticeable place once on my mission. Taking out my gun, I give Bruce the death stare. He smirks and turns into the Hulk. My eyes stretch in horror as sends a fist toward me. I try to repel it with my magic and for a moment it seems to be working, but then his other fist joins it and they manage to break through my barrier by punching. He is about to kill me, but then I am pulled into a harness, and then the world turns black on me. 


Song for this chapter:

'Sit still, look pretty' by Daya 


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