Chapter 5

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1 month earlier after the last chapter




My bulge is covering my toes. I can't bend down anymore and I feel so tired. Steve has been helping me this entire time, but sometimes I snap at him. A month before, Steve proposed to me and of course, I said yes. We had kissed so passionately that I started to cry. The hormones are really coming.

As I'm recounting the past, a sharp pain shoots through me, but I didn't think much of it, because I'd been having these pains all week. The pain starts to increase, and I start to scream when it shoots through the roof. Steve rushes to me from the kitchen and carries me to the car. He speeds to the hospital, and I scream the ENTIRE time. The second we get there, we are taken to Ari's room.

"Time to have little Sarah and James!" Ari chirps. Ari and I had become so close to each other during these nine months that we shared the baby names with her and invited her to our wedding.

I'm carried onto the bed as Ari helps me push, and stitches up the cut that was bleeding a LOT of blood. I push and persevere through the pain, gripping Steve's hand the whole way through. I can see Steve massaging his hand, and I smile weakly at him. After an hour of pushing and extreme pain, I get to see my babies.

I had never felt so much love, not even for Steve. Sarah has Steve's blonde hair and my green eyes. She has the sweetest smile, sweeter than Steve's and her laugh sounds like bells. Steve smiles at her widely. James has my dark red hair, and Steve's beautiful ocean eyes. He gives me a tentative smile,  just like mine, and he then changes it to my stupid smile. I feel like I'm looking at heaven. I don't even register Steve cuddling with me, just these babies' beauty.  I fall asleep quickly and when I wake up, I see that Steve has put them in their small cribs with their names on them.  

"It's noon, and everyone came a minute ago, and they want to see the babies, don't worry, everyone understands that you need some rest," Steve answers my questioning experience. He knows me too well. I get ready in the bathroom as Steve distracts everyone else and I manage to get ready in only a minute.

I wave awkwardly and I immediately feel so much lighter inside. Wanda walks to me like a penguin and hugs me. She falls over though and swears under her breath as Vision helps her up and I laugh. I cuddle Sarah and James and after a couple more minutes, making Wanda the godmother and Tony godfather, everyone left after kissing Sarah and James on the heads. I take them downstairs through the large stroller we bought.

Steve makes some pancakes and mushed up carrots for the babies. I eat the delicious pancakes and feed the carrots to the babies. The next three years give me the same joy and happiness as I watch my babies grow up into toddlers. 

Twists and Turnsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें