"Got'cha!!" The feline screeched and clawed at my face.

"Ribbon on the left ear... Are you sure this is the target, Tora?"

"Yeah, we're sure." Sasuke responded to Kakashi-sensei, completely ignoring me, who was being pulverized by the cat.

"Good. Lost pet 'Tora' Search mission.. Complete!"

"I hate cats!!!"


The Fire Country Lord's wife, Madam Shijimi, clutched the evil thing in a death grip.

"Ohh, my cute wittle Tora-chan! I was so worried!"

"Gyahahahaha! In your face, you stupid cat."

Madam Shijimi left with the desperate cat in tow.

"Now..." The old man began. "Kakashi's team seven, your next duty is... Hmm.. Babysitting an elder's grandson, shopping in the neighboring village, and helping with potato digging."

"NO! NO! NO!!! No, thank you!!" I crossed my arms in an 'X' shape. "I want to do, you know, a more incredible mission!! Find us a better one!!" I ignored my team's reaction and kept my eyes trained on the Hokage geezer.

Iruka stood with a pissed expression clouding his features.

"You idiot!! You're just a rookie! Everyone starts off with the simple duties and works their way up!" The Hokage sighed and tugged on his hat.

"But!! But!! We keep getting the crappiest possible duties-!!" My sensei smacked my head. Hard.

"Be quiet you!!"

"Naruto... It seems I have to explain to you what these duties are all about.

"Listen... Everyday, the village recieves numerous requests, from babysitting... To assassinations.

"Each request is written down on these lists... and divided into A, B, C, D rankings based on difficulty.

"This village is also divided based on skill. Starting with me to the Jounin, Chuunin, and Genin.

"The missions are then handed out by us at the top to ninjas based on their abilities. If the duty is completed successfully, we recieve payment from the client.

"You guys just recently became Genin. D-rank missions are perfect for you..."

"So last night, I had pork ramen, so miso sounds good for--"

"Hey!! LISTEN!"

"Geez!! All you do is give lectures like that.

"But you know what?!! I'm not the trouble making brat you still think I am!!!"

"I'm going to get yelled at later for this...." Kakashi sighed.

The Hokage and Iruka slowly relaxed their shoulders, letting proud looks replace the once serious and annoyed expressions they previously had.


"Huh?" I sputtered slightly in surprise.

"If you want it that much... I'll give you a C-rank mission. It's the protection of a certain individual-"

"Yay! Who?!! Who?!! A feudal lord?! A princess?!!"

"Calm down, I'm about to introduce him. Hey, will you come in here?"

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