I Think I Do Like Jack-

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Before I left, I wore the diamond around my neck. "What is this diamond called?"

"The Happiness Of Nature. Because apparently when you wear this in nature, and you like it, it makes nature smile and become more beautiful. But it must feel it exists" said Jack

"Nice" I said, then smiled, going out of my room. 

I then heard footsteps walking towards me, I turned to see Cal. He looked amazed to see the diamond on me.

"Is that a fake, or might it really be Le Bonheur de la Nature?" asked Cal

"If that means, The Happiness Of Nature, yes, it is, and it is real" I said

"Well, if you're heading out, could I take a look at it? I can assure you I'm in safe hands" said Cal

"Uhh, I think I'm gonna hold on to it for now. Bye!" I said, and got the hell outta there!

As I walked outside, I saw a note:


Here's a dare, act as if you cannot

see Jack anymore. And I'll watch his reaction. Then I'll pop

in outta nowhere. 


I smiled and said "Let's do this" as I threw away the note. I then saw Rose talking to Mr. Andrews about there not being enough boats to rescue. No need, I'll switch to a witch, and break the iceberg myself. 

....Or um... Or not. Because then the story wouldn't go correctly. 

I'll think of another way. 

I then felt someone grab me by the arm, I turned to see Jack, he motioned for me to come with him to a closet. So we went in. 

"Jack, this isn't possible. I can't see you" I said

"Why not? Y/n we need to talk" said Jack

"No, I can't. You don't understand" I said

"Yeah, man. Leave her alone" said a familiar voice suddenly. 

I turned to see.....Jack! Well, Jake. 

"Jake?!" I asked

"Hey, sugar pie" said Jake, as he side hugged me. 

"Sugar pie? Um....that's weird but ok lol" I said

"Wait... Are you guys a thing...?" asked Jack

"Wha--" I started, then Jake started to cough

"Exactly. If we ever dated, this would happen" I pointed at Jake. 

"Ok. Just asking" Jack put his hands up. 

"Anyway, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Byeeeeeeee!" said Jake, and left. 

"Anyway, Y/n. I wanted to talk to you. Look, you're not like anyone I've ever met. You're rich, but wouldn't mind being poor. But besides that, you're the most amazingly, astounding... Wonder fun girl-- Woman, that I've ever known." said Jack

Stuck In Titanic (Jack Dawson X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant