I look at Jay and Steel and they smile.

"Don't tell Art." I say to Mint.

"Huh?" She asks as I take her hand and slip the ring back on.

"Don't tell Art." I say again as her eyes dart across my face and she slowly smiles.

"Of course." She says finally.

Fuck, can you die from being too happy?

-I rest in bed trying to control my smile, I can't even look at him.

"Hey." He calls from the foot of the bed as he rubs Milos stomach.

"Hey what?" I ask not looking up from my IPad.

"What's the family maker?" He asks and I look up to meet his gaze.

"Mint told you about that?"

He nods.

I roll my eyes and look down at the screen.
"Nothing really."

The bed moves and I know he is crawling over. A moment later my IPad disappears from my hand.

He takes his seat on my lap and I lean my head back against the headboard to look at him.

"Tell me." He says with the sweetest smile.

Can I melt when I'm already a puddle?

"You made us a family when we were young, I knew you would again."

"Made you a family? You already were."

"No, we were bestfriends. We hung out, did school work, like young schoolmates. You made us a family."


"You made us ask questions that we never did before."


"The biggest one you made Jay, Steel, and Clover wonder if I was sad about my parents. They didn't think to ask before. I didn't blame them, I wanted to hide it. It's you that made everyone get into each others business. You constantly checked on me, you checked on Clover when her parents were hard on her. You talked to Jay when he was fearful about sharing who he was with his parents. You tutored us, guided us, asked questions. Broke up our fights. You did this until we weren't friends we were siblings who constantly got in each others business. You always asked questions no one thought to. And look at what happened today. You gave Mint something she never thought she would have, a family. And it's mind blowing you do this so effortlessly it seems. I don't think you realize just how much you mean to us and what you do for us. You wonder why you're stalked? You wonder why I hold my breath when another man gazes at you. Art, you are the sun, you warm us and it's so inviting."

He blinks at me. "Huh?"


How are you supposed to respond when a person or two tell you something like this?

"You wonder why your friends stalk you. That's it." He says simply.

"I caused that?"

"Very much. Did Benz call today?."

"How did you know?" I ask.

"He isn't calling just about work. He's worried call him back."

"I don't know what to say."

"You will, don't be afraid. Tell him you're better and that things will be clear soon."

I nod.

"Promise me you'll call tomorrow."

"Yes baby."

"Good boy."

"How are you feeling?" I ask him.

He considers it, "I don't think there is a word for it. More than happy, more than grateful, more than excited, more than love, more than peace. More than I have ever hoped to be. And it's all because of you. Can I give you something?"

"You give me everything."

"I'm transferring a million dollars to you tomorrow." He says simply.

"Nope, but I will take your credit card. I have lots of shopping to do and my boss doesn't pay me." I say offering him my palm.

"You can take mine, but I'll have one cut for you. Go crazy baby." He says as he takes my hand and kisses my palm.

I wrap my arms around him and gently comb the hair at the nape of his neck.
"Hmmm, I'm a kept mistress. No wonder I'm so slutty."

He laughs, "You are not a mistress, it's funny how you're kinda proud of that now. You are my slut though. A very, very good one too. Are you sure you don't want a million dollars?"

"If you have a million dollars, I have a million dollars. Why move it?"

"What's mine is yours hubby."

I roll my eyes and smile, "Are you saying you'll divorce your wife for me? Oh my god, I am such a good slut. They say the husband never leaves the wife for the mistress."

"What are you doing? Role playing? Why are you so crazy?"

I laugh aloud as he laughs at me.

He takes hold of the back of my neck and kisses me. I melt the moment I taste his tongue.

He groans and breaks the kiss as he rests his forehead against mine.

"Why are you so fucking cute?" He asks me.

I shug, "It's because you love me. I think I'm quite annoying."

"No, you are so charming."

"Right back at you handsome."

He wraps his arms around me pulling me into a hug and without thought I wrap my arms around his neck.

I feel his heart beat against me and mine matches his.

My soulmate.

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now