were in the finals

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This game was going to prove if we made it to the finals against the Iceland team. It was us or Russia whoever won. I took my place as center for the first line and the puck dropped immediately I was in the zone I shot the puck to Luis who skated around the defense and passed to dean who checked a player and shot to the goal making it in we all cheered excitedly and happily as we did a small victory before going back to the game "PORTMAN CHANGE IT" coach yelled dean jumped the box and Ken was on the ice he did this real cool spin kick and passed me the puck I took it and checked someone in my way passing to connie she shot at the net second goal!!! We were winning we were going to the games "CHANGE IT WINSTON" I skated to the box and jumped in Fulton was on the ice now "Portman get out there CONNIE LETS GO CHANGE IT" coach yelled dean jumped out of the box winking at me I watched as my team made four more shots before "ALRIGHT PORTMAN FULTON WINSTON KEN YOU FOUR ON ICE CHARLIE GET ON THERE TOO GAFFNEY IN NDT GOLDBERG BRING IT IN" he barked orders really quickly but we understood I was on the ice with some of my favourite people and I had he pick I was skating when I was pushed into the wall dean rammed the guy so did Fulton Ken room the puck back and passed to Charlie the clock was ticking there were 2 minutes score Germany was up by 1 ken passed to dean who passed to Fulton who made a snapshot and in goes the puck alright game tied 47 seconds left I chased the German player with the puck pushed him down stole It 14 seconds i want fast j was my gonna make it so i took a shot my snapshot might not be as good as futons but here goes I swept my stick and shot the puck it launched harder than I've ever shot and went flying right through the net ripping it but the buzzer went! About a second later the time rang out were going to the finals!!! I was celebrating when someone spun me around it was dean he pulled me into a long kiss holding my face hands brushing my cheeks when he pulled away he had the biggest smile ove ever seen from anyone "were gonna win this shit" he cheered then he zoomed off to party with Fulton.

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