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Fulton was right dean brought back food I got red Gatorade and some crackers and cheese thanks to dean we sat and ate in silence and once she finished I volunteered to take the dishes to the kitchens and dean came with me. We got to the kitchen and I bumped into a tall blonde guy he was wearing an Iceland jacket "well well well hello sweetheart" he smiled at me "Do not call her that" dean growled putting an arm protectively around me."why she's such a sweetheart" he said again "knock it off pal" dean said again "dean let's go" he shrugged his arm off me and got in the guys face "talk to her like that again and I will beat your ass" he pushed him lightly and walked away. Once back to the room dean hit the wall "what happened" Fulton asked "Iceland" dean scowled "take it out on the ice we play them in a few hours" I kissed Dean's head and his mood relaxed a little Fulton gave me an I told ya so look I rolled my eyes and leaned on Dean's arm "I want to mame that big goon" dean cracked his knuckles "on the ice" I said messing up his hair and walking out of the room to get ready for the game. I ran into Ken in the hallway he smiled at me "are you and dean a couple I saw his arm around you?" I laughed "me and dean are just friends" he shrugged "not what everyone else says" I laughed as j walked I to my room to see julie still asleep I threw a pillow at her and she shot up "let's get ready to kick Iceland ass" she frowned "for you to kick Iceland ass and me to sit on the damn bench" she frowned I shrugged "you'll play soon but still gotta be there let's go" I dragged her out of her bed and we got ready together blasting Katy Perry.

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