"Huh?" Sirius's eyes only half open and he pushed his hair back with one hand, trailing the other down Artemis's back. "What is it?"

"Someone-" Artemis climbed out of bed and pulled on a t-shirt, "-at the door." She slipped on a pair of shorts and hurried to open the door.

Tom stood in the hallway, looking thoroughly harassed. "Miss Blake, there's a muggle van parked outside and the young gentleman in the front seat won't stop honking the horn. He said he wouldn't stop until you and your boyfriend, and I'm quoting here, 'woke the fuck up and stopped wasting his day."

Artemis tried not to smile. "Right. Tell Mr. Lupin out there that Sirius and I'll be down in five minutes, and to stop disturbing the peace."

Tom stomped back down the stairs and Artemis closed the door and pulled the covers off of Sirius. "Oi, I think we may have ruined our friendship with Tom down there."

"Blame it on Moony," said Sirius, still half-awake. He sat up and stretched before pulling on a set of clothes and quickly throwing the rest of his things into his trunk. "Ready?"


The van was run-down, but when Sirius and Artemis crawled into the backseat, it was obvious that Remus had put a few enchantments on it. It was roomy, with beds that could be unfolded from the walls and enough seats to fit all of their friends. Sirius crashed into one of the seats and Artemis sat next to him, kicking her legs up onto his lap. Marlene, Lily, Mary, and Peter were all already asleep in the seats around them.

"Remus, you know I love you, but it's too early for this," Artemis murmured.

From the passenger seat, James gave her a broad grin. "You know, Blake, I expected this reaction, and I came prepared." From the front console, he grabbed two large to-go cups of coffee. "One for you," he handed the first to Artemis. "And one for me."

"Hey!" Sirius protested.

James and Remus chuckled together and Remus turned up the music. "I'll get you whatever you want at the next road stop, Pads. Now let's go."


After an entire day of driving and stopping to see sites, Remus pulled off at a little inn in Norwich and the whole group unloaded for the night. Once they were all checked into their rooms, they gathered in the courtyard outside to sit under the stars and talk in the low light.

"You know," Mary marveled, "-it doesn't even feel like we're really out of school."

James chuckled. "Yeah, 'cause the second we all got our freedom, we decided to do the exact same thing we've been doing for seven years." He lit a cigarette and tossed his lighter to Lily. "Welcome to adulthood, kids."

"We're not adults," scoffed Lily. "I mean, Peter doesn't even know how to do his own laundry."

"I'm learning!" Peter protested.

Mary snorted. "I've tried to teach you four times now."

"Don't pick on Peter," Marlene said with a grin, "He's like the child we all take care of collectively."

Everyone laughed and Peter kicked the back of Marlene's chair in mild protest. Sirius ran a hand through his hair and sighed up at the sky. "Think any of us'll actually have kids?"

"Don't look at me," said Artemis. "I can't even take care of a pet dog." She gave Sirius a pointed look that only he, Remus, and Peter could understand.

Marlene swiped Artemis's cigarette from her hand. "And I'm just hoping I'll be able to legally marry at some point."

"Same here," said Remus.

"Okay, so none of us are having kids," Peter said conclusively.

James looked over at Lily, eyebrows raised. She snorted and shook her head. "Don't look at me like that, Potter."

"If anyone would have a kid, it would be you, Lils," said Marlene.

"She's already got James," said Remus.

James stood up. "Alright, enough James Potter slander because I've got news."

They all stared at him expectantly.

"When I heard we were going on this road trip thing, I made a few calls. My dad knows people, you know-"

"What, at his muggle country club?" Artemis teased.

James shot her an aggravated look. "No- well, yes- but he knows people in the wizarding world too. And because I love you all so much, and because I definitely don't have ulterior motives such as my own self-preservation in mind, I have a surprise for you all."

Marlene and Lily exchanged a look. "Well, now I'm scared," muttered Marlene.

James couldn't hold his news in anymore. He reached into his pocket and pulled out eight slips of paper. "We're going to the fucking world cup, guys."

The entire circle of friends exploded. Marlene jumped to her feet and all but tackled James to the ground. Sirius let out a triumphant shout and pounded Remus on the back. Artemis threw her head back laughing and let Lily engulf her in a bear hug out of sheer excitement.

"The world cup!" Remus cried, his voice cracking. "You're joking! You're actually joking!"

"I'm really, really not," said James. "It's in Sunderland this year and we'll be there in time to see the match. Good seats, too. So how much do you lot love me?"

Artemis smiled and hugged James. "No more than we already did, but still- that was a lot to begin with."

"Whatever you say, Blake," said James, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Now, to bed with all of you. We've got a long day of sleeping in the car tomorrow."

/𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒\ [𝒔. 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌]Where stories live. Discover now