
344 9 3

Really short-
tw: starving, being locked up?

That was the only thing in William's head.
He was hungry, and kinda thirsty.
It was so dark, he could only just see with the help of his eyes creating some light.
Was Henry going to let him out yet?
Maybe Henry just forgot about him again, or maybe Henry had fallen asleep, that happens a lot as well. Ugh...
"God, I'd do so much to be loved by you like family Henry..." William said aloud. He knew nobody could hear him except the souls that were in the place. Not like the souls cared.
"I'd fuckin'-" William began to ramble. Gorey things, murderous topics, anything that would please Dr. Miller. William was confessing all he'd do just to become the person Henry always wanted him to be, the person William always wanted to be.

William lost its breath after a while. He couldn't breath anymore, he had taken all the oxygen in that paragraph.
William sat down on the ground, humming a song that Henry had played recently, singing and crying himself to sleep.

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