E.D. Chapter II: Meet the former Flame Hashira

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Senjuro: From my brother? But I already heard what happened to him and I'm thankful he's alive. Are you guys alright? Your faces look deadly pale.

Y/N: Well...the think is-

???: Knock it off!

Three of them: Huh?

They look at the person who looks to be drinking.

Shinjuro Rengoku, father of Senjuro and Kyojuro.

Shinjuro: Whatever message he left us is nothing anyway

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Shinjuro: Whatever message he left us is nothing anyway. Why would he become a swordsman when he had no talent to begin with? Its no wonder he lost, he's worthless!

Both Tanjiro and Y/N just stare at him without saying anything from him after he said those words.

Shinjuro: He was a fool of a son from the start! A person potential is determine the day they're born, only mere handful have any talent. The rest are just members of the masses. Completely useless trash they are! Drinks his sake. Kyojuro was in that group, he had no real talent. So why would he end up loosing to a demon?

Y/N grips his fist yet he held back from fighting back.

Shinjuro: Senjuro! Stop worrying about your brother now. Its high time you wiped that gloomy look off your face!

Tanjiro steps in front of Senjuro to defend him.

Tanjiro: Hold on! That's going way too far!please stop talking about him like that!

Shinjuro: Who the hell are you two? Answer me, or get off our property!

Y/N steps up to defend those two as Tanjiro answers. Just then Shinjuro eyes were widen as he sees Tanjiro earrings as he dropped his sake.

Shinjuro: You...I get it now, you're the wielder of the sun breathing technique! And I rigth!?

Y/N: 'He knows about the sun breathing technique?'

Though Y/N defends Tanjiro, Shinjuro was quick as he charges at Tanjiro and pins him down. Senjuro tries to stop his dad but he just push his son away and Y/N pulls Shinjuro away from Tanjiro.

Y/N: What's gotten into you acting like this!? First insulting at your sons and now abusing them?

Shinjuro: Don't you know who he is even he's mocking us!?

Y/N: I know him more than you do!

Shinjuro: then you should know he's the wielder of the sun breathing technique! I know about their earrings! It was in the book!

Shinjuro explains that the sun breathing technique is the first breathing technique ever created where as the others are derived from the sun breathing. Tanjiro was confused since he and his family doesn't know anything about the sun breathing technique. Y/N on the other hand did knew but wasn't sure that he was part of the family.

Demon Slayer: The Dragon Breather//malereader (On Hold.)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin