Chapter 55

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"I love you." I continue and sigh when I don't get a reply. I turn around and take my suitcase, pulling it with me as I leave the hotel room. I close the door behind me and stand there for a few seconds. What now?


"Please be home. Please be home." I whisper while ringing the bell. "Hello who's there?" A voice asks through the speakers. "It's me Y/n-" I start and immediately get buzzed inside. I walk up the stairs and the door opens. "Hey, what's wrong?" Ashley asks worriedly as she sees my puffy red eyes. "Can I stay here? Billie kicked me out and Anna isn't home. I-I don't know where else I-" I start but she cuts me off. "Of course you can stay here. What happened?" She asks while pulling me into her arms.

"I-I fucked up. I knew this was gonna happen but-" I start but get cut off by sobs. "Hey, hey, it's alright." She says while leading us to the couch and sitting down with me. "You have to calm down okay?" She says softly and I nod while trying my best to keep calm. "Is someone here? I don't want to wake anyone up." I mumble worriedly into her neck. "You won't wake anyone up but yeah Lizzie is-" she starts but gets cut off by a voice behind her.

"Ashley?" Lizzie asks and we pull apart. "Y/n? What's going on?" She asks while walking up to me and the second she gets a better view of my face, her face fills with worry. "I'll get you some water okay?" Ashley asks and I nod unable to talk. "What's wrong Y/n?" She asks while taking a seat next to me. "Billie- she knows..." I mange to get out. "And it didn't go well?" She asks and before I can speak up again, tears run down my cheeks again, the aching feeling in my heart getting worse.

"Don't cry, c'mon please." She begs while hugging me. "I barely know you but I hate seeing my friends cry, you'll make me cry too and do you want that huh?" She teases, making me giggle into her neck while I shake my head no. "You're a dork." I mumble while she pulls apart and smiles at me. "So wanna tell me now what exactly happened?" She asks softly and I nod my head.

"She noticed the smell and then I snapped at her and decided to take a shower and-and when I came back she, she was holding my cigarettes in her hand. She shouted at me and then I told her-...I told her if she really loved me she wouldn't care if I smoke but I almost instantly regretted it. I had no right saying that. She cares about me and that's why she doesn't want me to smoke. She cares..." I say my voice breaking at the end as more tears threaten to fall out my eyes.

"It's going to be okay, I promise." Lizzie says while pulling me into another hug. "I hope so." I whisper while snuggling my head into her neck. "What if she doesn't want me anymore..." I ask sadly and Lizzie pulls apart to look at me. "It would be her loss, not yours." Lizzie says and I nod sadly as Ashley walks back in with a glass of water in her hand. She hands it over and takes a seat on the opposite of me.

We sit in silence for a while until I yawn, it's probably already 3am or something. "Are you tired?" Ashley asks and I nod. "I'll take the couch." I say but Lizzie immediately shakes her head no. "What heartless friends would we be, if we'd let you sleep on the couch after what happened?" Lizzie asks softly but i shake my head no. "It's okay, really. I'll take the couch." I try convincing them but they both shake their head no and I sigh.

"Get your ass up before I carry you into the guest room." Lizzie warns with a goofy smile and I sigh as I give in and nod. Lizzie stands up and holds her hand out for me to take. I take it and she pulls me into a guest room. The bed is all messy, meaning she's supposed to sleep in here and I sigh again. "Do you want some comfy clothes?" Ashley asks as she walks in and i shake my head no. "I have some clothes in my suitcase." I explain, "Yeah but you're too tired to find them, I'll bring you some of mine." She says and i nod, knowing she won't take a no as an answer.

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