Chapter 5

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The walk down through the house felt endless - with every step my heart seemed to race faster with anticipation and nerves. My mate - I was being taken to see my mate. Julie must have been able to hear my heart, but she said nothing, made no indication that she noticed. The house itself was far larger than Alpha Derek's was - and filled with much more expensive looking things. This pack must be a lot wealthier than mine was - though I supposed it wasn't my pack anymore. Does being tortured by your Alpha officially mean you're no longer a part of it? Though of course, this wasn't my pack either, not yet. Maybe not ever - depending on how Liam was going to feel about my visions.

The thought sent a shiver down my spine - for one thing, technically, that meant I was a rogue now. Unattached to any pack, though I supposed at very least In must be welcome here. For now.

That was the other issue, typically a pack would be happy when their Alpha found his mate - I would become their Luna, in theory. Assuming Alpha Liam didn't decide to reject me. And even if he didn't, his pack would probably be disgusted by me. Who would ever follow a leader who was cursed? And even ignoring that... me, a Luna? It sounded like a sick joke.

A Luna was supposed to be warm, welcoming and friendly. A joy to be around, someone for the pack to look up to, to feel connected with. That wasn't me. I'd practically been a recluse since I was 14, I didn't exactly have regular social skills, never mind the kind someone would need to lead people. 

My thoughts swirled as I continued to follow Julie, we'd made so many turns and gone through so many doors that I had no idea how I might find my way back to my room. That is, if I was allowed to stay. I still hadn't decided whether to be upfront or not about my... situation. On the one hand, if I didn't tell him, he might actually like me. And if I did tell him... well, I honestly couldn't see how that could end well.

But was it better to get it over with? Let him cast me aside now, and save us both suffering? Probably... but I couldn't help but want a moment of peace. Maybe just an hour, a day, where I might pretend as though I was normal. Just a girl, spending time with her mate.

That ship had already sailed. None of this was normal. We didn't exactly meet in a regular way, most wolves didn't have to save their mate from being tortured as a first introduction. And what must he think about that? He would know from my scent I was a part of the pack, that Derek had been my Alpha. My chest squeezed tightly, I hadn't considered that, that he would have questions. That I'd have to explain myself so soon... 

"Here we are!" Julie announced with a big smile, her hand resting against yet another door. She seemed oblivious to my panic as she swung open the door and gestured for me to go in ahead of her. I did as she wanted, forcing my feet forward, one at a time, until I was stood in front of a dining table. It was a long, large table, already covered in a vast array of different foods, many of which I couldn't even name. It felt excessive, given only 3 place settings had been laid out. One of which was already occupied.

Alpha Sutton was at the head of the table, his posture rigid, his eyes fixed on me. He said nothing, but I already felt my legs turning to jelly beneath me just at the sight of him. It took every ounce of concentration I had not to collapse. Be normal. I said to myself, like it would help. His scent filled the room already, it was intoxicating - I had to resist the urge to take a deep breath, as well as the magnetic pull towards him. I wondered if he felt it too, he made no move to come towards me.

Julie stepped around me slowly, pulling out a chair for me a few seats down from the Alpha. Obediently, I sat down, eyeing up the delicacies in front of me. I knew I should eat, should want to, but somehow it felt like a lot of effort. I couldn't concentrate on the action, feeling the Alpha's gaze glued on me. Julie hovered behind me - she watched me for a moment, looking concerned, before taking a step closer and reaching over to pile various foods onto my plate. "You need to build your strength back up." She said, her tone worried.

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