• Quoting Disney

Start from the beginning

"Her?" I play dumb, beeing shocked that she can read me so well.

"Oh, my dear son," mom smiles as she opens the cupboard and pulls out two mugs, "I know what a broken heart looks like."

I say nothing, simply watching her as she makes the coffee before she places my favourite mug infront of me on the table, sitting down next to me with a mug in her hand herself.

"Thanks." I say and take a sip from the coffee before my eyes scan the room, "Where's Dodger by the way?"

"Scott took him for a walk, they left a few minutes before you arrived. Now tell me, what happened?" she asks, placing her hand on top of mine.

"So when we were in San Diego, I met this girl. Okay maybe met isn't the right term, she almost ran me over and knocked my beer out of my hand so she wanted to buy me another one, which I - don't look at me like that," I chuckle when seeing her frowned face, "I told her that she didn't have to of course. But she insisted so we started to talk and I've realized that she had absolutely no clue who I am, so I thought, why tell her because it was so - pleasing, meeting someone who wasn't interested in the actor in me but rather with me in person."

"So you kept going with it."

"I kept going with it. We got closer and I got scared, scared about how I was already feeling for her and that she maybe wouldn't want to be with me when she finds out who I am. I love her mom, and she told me that she loves me too, I was so scared to loose her."

"But don't you think that she should've had the chance to decide if she wanted this before she fell in love?"

"I know, ma. God, I know and it haunts me since weeks, I feel so bad for putting her through this but," I say before I realise that there's nothing to whitewash, "No. There's no but. What I did was selfish and unforgivable."

I lower my head, watching my fingers how they anxiously play with the handle of the mug until I feel my mothers hand on my chin, pulling my face up so we're eye to eye again.

"No, Chris. Your actions were in fact selfish, but in no case unforgivable." she says with a warm tone in her voice.

Tears are filling up my eyes until the sight of my mother gets vague, "Do you think she'll ever forgive me?"

My mother strokes her thumb over my cheek, wiping away the single tear that escaped my eye, "I can't answer that." she admits honestly, slightly shaking her head.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"But if the love between you two is real, everything is possible. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true."

"Are you really quoting Disney right now?" I say with a slight smile.

"If it means seeing this on your face again-" she pinches my cheek, "I will quote as many Disney line as I have to. Besides, you made sure that I know enough lines so why not use the hours I've spent watching these movies with you. And now help me cook dinner before your brother comes back."

"Okay." I say and dry my tears by rubbing my eyes.

Half an hour later dinner was almost ready, the only thing that's not ready yet is the pasta that still needs to be cooked al dente while mom and I dance to the music streaming from the radio on the fridge. We're singing loudly, mom stirring up the pasta while I chop some tomatoes for the salat, all while doing little dance performances.

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