Love Story

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In the recess

All were having lunch with goh, and goh was also injoying it he was thinking how the things gone this right he was confused, so he asked boris about it

Goh - um.. Boris I have a question

Boris - what is it goh

Goh - why all this is happening recently, I mean tomorrow all that happened and today things are gone this right how is it happen

Boris is not able to hide the truth anymore so he told goh

Boris - goh .. this all happen because of... Ash

Goh - what how tell me

Boris - but promise me you will not tell ash

Goh - ok fine

Boris - because.. because he is in love with you Goh!!!

Goh was in shock and blushed hardly his face with crimson red but he managed to say

Goh - what are.. are you telling me the truth

Boris - yeah he really loves you goh and one thing you that he is the no 1 gangster in this whole world

Goh was more shocked then before

Goh - gangster... what is his last name

Boris - it's Ketchum

Goh - Ketchum.. but he told me that-

At that moment ash come to goh's table

Ash - hey goh i need to go, I have an important work to do

Goh was thinking and thinking even didn't listen what ash said

Ash - umm.. goh are you alright

Goh - huh.. Yes I am

Ash - ok so may I go

Goh thinks for a second and said

Goh - no
Ash - huh but I-

Goh stand up from his chair and grabbed Ash's hand, ash blushed by goh's sudden moment

Goh - first tell me your full name *he said forcefully*

Ash was shocked and don't know what to say

Ash - why are you asking that

Goh - just tell me

Ash didn't say a word which makes goh to say it

Goh - it's Ash Ketchum, right

Ash eyes we're widen to see that goh knows who is he, and all the students stand up from there chairs

Goh - am I right

Ash - goh... Look.. I

Goh - why you hide it from me ash don't you trust me, why

Ash - because I love you!!!, he said it shoutly everyone eyes were widen, " I love you from the I saw you I love smile I love shyness and I love everything thing about you, but I thought if you know that i'm a gangster you will hate me forever, that's why I... I don't know anything the thing I know it's I love you I love you so so much!!!!

With ash last word he felt someone's soft lips on his lips and it was Goh, ash  was more confused but really liked it, he felt that all the pain gone from his body in no time he don't want to end the kiss

All the students were shocked to saw that really happy for them and clapped for the newly couples

After a couple of minutes they move away from each other, there faces were so close, both were felling each other breathe

Goh - I.. I love you too ash, that doesn't matter how you are that doesn't matter that you are a gangster but for me you are the most adorable person on this whole world, I love you    I love you so much

Then goh fells someone lips on his lips  that none other than ash, they both were melted into the kiss and don't care of people they both only want each other in there life

After the kiss ash have a question for goh for it he bend down on his knees and asked

Ash - Goh will you marry me, will you be my gay princess

All the students including goh were shocked but very happy specially goh he said in no time

Goh - Yes

Ash stand up and pulled goh into strong hug and goh hugged him back

And the love story begins....

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