The Party

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In the lead up to the day of the party, Wanda was prepping herself for her interview at Arkham Asylum. She had to get some new clothes to impress the staff and plan how she was to win the interviewer over. Her documents were fake, so she would have to try her best to seem like she knew what they were talking about. Wanda was initially planning on using her abilities to get the job, but she decided that she wanted to try for real this time.

So she spent her days reading about psychology, learning its terminology and methods, which she put to practice on her daily walks to familiarise herself with the new city, by reading the body language of the people she passed. Rachel had barely seen her the past 2 weeks as Wanda was usually in the library. But today, the pair saw each other as it was time for the interview.

 But today, the pair saw each other as it was time for the interview

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"Hey, you'll do great. You're definitely dressed to impress." Rachel spoke reassuring words to her new friend.
"I appreciate what you're trying to do, but it won't get rid of my nerves." Wanda gave her a faint smile.
"Well it was worth a shot. But just remember, having confidence is key. You don't want to come across as weak, especially when you're going to be dealing with criminals if you get the job." Rachel gave her a serious look.
"Thanks for the advice Rach." Wanda gave her a warm smile and went in for a hug. Rachel returned it, the girls embracing for a few seconds before Wanda then hurriedly put her heels on and ran out the front door with a quick shout of goodbye.


It was later in the day when Wanda returned to the shared apartment. The interview had overrun and afterwards, she went to a bar to drink her fears away. She doesn't usually drink. She had tried a few times in the past, but decided it wasn't for her, but now that she was in a different world where she could start anew, alcohol became a distant friend as it helped her forget the past if it became too overbearing.

"I'm back!" Wanda spoke into the lit up hallway.
"Natalie, I'm in the kitchen!" Rachel called out in response.
Wanda took her shoes off and went to join Rachel.
"So, how'd it go?" The woman asked with hope in her eyes.
"I think it went well. It overran, so that's a good sign right?"
"Of course it is. But Natalie, the party is in a few hours. I get it if you forgot, so if you don't have anything to wear, then I can lend you something or we can very quickly go out and buy you a dress."
"Oh my gosh, you're right, I completely forgot. Prepping for the interview took all my time. I did buy a few dresses when I went shopping because I knew it was coming up. So I am prepared." Wanda grinned at the woman eating some nuts in front of her.
"Well that's great, we should start getting dressed soon." Rachel replied.


Harvey had picked the 2 women up to take them to Bruce Wayne's penthouse. The trio entered the party through the elevator as it was on the top floor. Harvey looked around the room as they walked in.
"Harvey Dent, scourge of the underworld...scared stiff by the trust-fund brigade. I'll be back." Rachel spoke softly.
"Rachel!" Harvey called out after her. Wanda moved to take her friend's place as Harvey was the only person she knew here.
"A little liquid courage, Mr Dent?" Wanda saw an elderly man approach the pair.
"Thank you. Alfred, right?" Harvey inquired.
"That's right, sir."
"Rachel talks about you all the time. You've known her her whole life."
"Oh, not yet sir." Alfred wittily replied.
Harvey laughed out, while Wanda smiled to herself.
"Any psychotic ex-boyfriends I should be aware of?"
"Oh, you have no idea." Alfred said before walking off to tend to the other guests.
"Well, he was nice." Wanda laughed.
"Yeah.." Harvey looked back at her before hearing a helicopter and turning his eyes on it.

All the guests observed the helicopter that landed on the balcony. They watched as a man in a suit got out with 3 beautiful women. Wanda couldn't help herself but think of Tony Stark as she was aware of his past womanising ways.

"I'm sorry that I'm late. I'm glad to see that you all got started without me." Bruce started to walk further into the room, looking around.
"Now, where is Harvey? Where...? Harvey Dent, the man of the hour. Where's Rachel Dawes? She is my oldest friend. Come here." Bruce reunited the pair in the middle of the room
"When Rachel first told me she was dating Harvey Dent, I had one thing to say: "the guy from those God-awful campaign commercials?" "I believe in Harvey Dent." Yeah nice slogan, Harvey. But it caught Rachel's attention. And then I started to pay attention to Harvey...and all that he's been doing as our new DA. And you know what? I believe in Harvey Dent. I believe that on his watch, Gotham can feel...a little safer, a little more optimistic. Look at this face. This is the face of Gotham's bright future. To Harvey Dent. Let's hear it for him." Bruce clapped for the man, the crowd following suit, including Wanda who then smiled towards the couple.

Bruce and Harvey mingled eith the crowd together, whilst Rachel went her separate way to talk to friends with Wanda following her like a lost puppy. Wanda didn't like how out of place she was here, but she had to deal with it. Only a few more hours she thought to herself.
Wanda looked around the room whilst Rachel spoke to the group of women and saw Bruce excusing himself from the men he was talking to with Harvey and left to go outside on the balcony. Rachel also saw this, as she then left to follow him. Wanda was now alone with the strangers.
"Heh." She gave them a smile.
"So, how do you know Rachel? We've never seen you with her before." A curious women asked.

" A curious women asked

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Thanks for reading

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