PayBack 36 South Africa

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"We are now landing in South Africa" I over hear on the PA I glance out the small window and see sky's of blue as we descend the country becomes more clear.

"Please stay seated until the plane has fully landed make sure you bring all your belongings with you and have a nice stay." she says.

I look back out the window and now I see the airport and the road we were landing on as it slowly makes its way down suddenly I feel a bump then another and then we stroll across the runway and over to the stop. everyone claps and cheers then people began to get up and get their stuff.

After the first couple rows in front of me got up and left I got up with my stuff and began heading out I thank the lady's and the pilot of course then I walk down the narrow steps it was quite chilly at the moment it being pretty late at night I was in sweatpants but you could still feel the breeze between the fabric.

I took off inside the airport it was to chilly to wait for everyone outside so I watched through the tall clear widows in front of me filming a bit and all that then when everyone was finally out we headed out front to our rides.

When we got out front and cars began moving out there was no vehicle for us. Eventually we found out that we were walking.

After about an hour we gave up and stayed in a hotel for the night but unfortunately with our luck today there was only 1 room available, great.

Guys being guys they let the girls take the bed while they took the floor and wherever else they could fit in the room it was very crammed and awkward especially when I have someones butt in my face.

Morning swooped in pretty fast and we were back on our feet hiking again to hopefully make it to the hotel by the afternoon I was beginning to get tired my feet and legs killed.

"Hey Cameron?" I ask
"Yes" he responds
"Wanna give me a piggy back?" I smile cutely he sighs and waves his hand gesturing for me to come over I smiled and ran over hopping on his back he wrapped his hands on my thighs to hold me up then he began running I laughed and clenched harder on to his t shirt.

As soon as everyone else saw what we were doing they all began doing it to, making the hike longer but easier for us girls.

When we finally arrived at the hotel it was to late to do anything so we all just slept

That morning I decided to go for a walk you know to get a good vibe of the place I walked around and took a few pictures and videos of course but when I was in the middle of taking a picture my phone buzzed a small notification appeared at the top.

I clicked it iMessage opening then I read the message

"Hey it's Abby wow its been a while I'm sorry I haven't been able to contact you guys it's been super busy over here but I'm free this weekend and I was thinking we could meet up for coffee or something text me back ASAP"

Abby, it definitely has been long way to long I don't even remember what she looks like let alone sounds like and it's crazy how out of the bloom she messages me but unfortunately I can't see her until after the trip

I wasn't going to worry about it now I would message her back later and see where it goes.

For now South Africa awaits!.

I heard there was a place called 'cape of good hope' here and I definitely want to check it out

After I walked around for a bit I went back to the hotel where the whole group was meeting we were going out for dinner as celebration for our next country

"Okay is everyone here?" I ask one last time everyone nods and we leave for the restaurant

A/N: holy shit it's been to long I'm sorry I quickly updated this sorry it's short I'm busy and I'm terrible and agh I'm sorry... We're almost at 4k reads that's beyond amazing I feel like I need to do better with this story you guys are giving me so much support and I'm making these crappy chapters, I'm sorry.

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