𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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3rd person pov

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3rd person pov

Scaramouche. [y/n] had never hated anyone more. Who wouldn't hate their high-school enemy? And he was completely aware of her hate; he probably hated her more. But even so, he could always find the time to trip her feet, or rip her homework, or shove her in a wall.

Then again, she always had a sort of way to get him back, even if it was small things. Like pulling his strangely cut hair while she stood behind him, or stepping on his shoe as she walked into class. [y/n] wasn't the kind of girl to let things like this happen to her without a fight. Though, she teased rather than actually bullied him.

Thankfully, she had a small friend group to keep her company and help her forget about him. Hu Tao, Ganyu, and Yanfei. Not much, but enough for [y/n].

[y/n]'s days were always the same. Don't get me wrong, it's not like she didn't like it. She loved spending time with her friends at school. It's just that the routine was always the same- nothing interesting happened. Scaramouche always yelled at her with the same words, and when she went home, she still had to take care of her family.

As for aspects of [y/n], she was, to put it simply, very pretty. Not in a graceful way like 'beautiful', but pretty. She wore the school uniform, consisting of a white button-up, a red tie, and a black skirt. She always wore a thrifted jacket over it because she hated the blazers the school provided. [y/n] never really put thought into her appearance; she just slipped on her clothes, put on her shoes and left the house. Her legs were always covered in band-aids and bandages for reasons she didn't want to talk about.

[ur fit is like this!! Is you don't like it, you can imagine yourself wear whatever you'd like :))) >>>>>]

[ur fit is like this!! Is you don't like it, you can imagine yourself wear whatever you'd like :))) >>>>>]

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As for Scaramouches outfit... well, it was something you'd expect him to wear. He wore a short sleeve button-up with a tie and black shorts. Most of the time his tie wasn't even completely put on.

[y/n] pulled out her phone as she walked into the school

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[y/n] pulled out her phone as she walked into the school. If she was skilled at anything, she would be a master at not paying attention. As she read text messages and checked her social media, [y/n] bumped into peoples shoulders and occasionally nudged someone's books. She walked for about two minutes before she stepped on her shoe lace. Her face slammed into someone's chest and completely crashed forward on to another person.

She tried to get up with her eyes closed, "I'm so sor—" [y/n] opened her eyes.

Of course. It had to be him. As she opened her eyes, she saw that she fell over the one and only.. Scaramouche. All of his books and papers were scattered across the floors as he looked her dead in the eye.

"Oh hell no," She said as she picked up her phone and backpack and sped off before he could catch up to her.

As she ran, she could hear him yell profanities and try to run to her, but ultimately couldn't because of how many students were in the hallways. She snickered to herself as she thanked the god above for another day on earth. Soon enough, her class ended and it was now lunch.

She had always eaten lunch by herself. Yanfei had a club that took place during lunch, Hu Tao read and wrote poetry with Xingqiu, and Ganyu hung out with her boyfriend. [y/n] didn't mind eating by herself— actually, she enjoyed it. It was a nice break from everything as she sat in the hallways while listening to music.

So, today, she did what she always did. Sit in the hallway, play her music, pull out her sketchbook and lunch, and start her relaxation time. And for a good five minutes, it was relaxing. After five minutes of drawing, she decided to stretch her legs. So she cleaned up most of her mess and walked down the hallways.

However, once she turned a corner, her body was slammed into the wall. She looked up and- of course. It had to be him. Scaramouche. He pinned her on the wall with a pissed, but cocky expression.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" He scoffed as he leaned his head closer, "You got a lotta nerve shoving me down like that in the morning. Did you actually think you could escape this?"

[y/n]s anger boiled inside of her, but she thought of the perfect way to get him back.

"So what if I shoved you?" Her hand traced over his arm that was pinning her down, "Aren't you the one looking for me in the hallways to pin me? Is it that you want to corner me like this?"

She quickly twisted the two of them around, so now she pinned him. His face turned red as his eyes were sharp.

"Perhaps," She moved her face dangerously close to his, "You secretly want me to do this? You secretly want... me?"

After a second of silence and hot breaths, she finally closed the gap between the two and kissed him. Scaramouche tensed up as his eyes went wide, but after a few seconds, he slowly melted into it. He put his hands on her waist as he started kissing her more intensely.

[y/n] traced her fingers on his light abs through his shirt. His stomach was completely relaxed. Perfect.

She slowly pulled out of this kiss and looked at him with soft eyes. He took a breath in to say something and [y/n] knew this was the perfect time.

"Wha—" [y/n] socked him as hard as she could in the stomach. It completely knocked the wind out of him as he crumbled to the floor and began coughing, trying to catch his breath.

[y/n] kneeled down to look at his face. As he coughed, he looked like he wanted to murder her. She smiled and flipped him off as she walked away, back to where her lunch was.

Little did she know, however, that this event would change everything...

Little did she know, however, that this event would change everything

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