|Prologue: Why Now?!!

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A loud irritated grown is heard throughout Snowbelle City, from the front porch of a well known teens house. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" "Princess... Please just-" "JUST WHAT DAD?!! JUST PICK UP AND LEAVE?!?" You screamed, slamming your hand down onto the kitchen table. You had come home from hanging out in the woods with the twins to be told, again, to start packing. This time, however, your father had told you that you had a week to pack before you were flying to a different region. That had sparked your screaming fit. You practically snarled at the man who had raised you, before grabbing your backpack, and slamming the door open and walking out. "Y/n!! Where are you going??" Your father shouted from the door, just as you whistled to Arcanine, who'd been playing in the snow up until that point. "Away from here." You spat, climbing up onto Arcanine's back as he took off away from the house. Your father sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration. Venalisé, the young woman who acted as your caretaker, walked over and placed her hand in his arm. He sighed, and looked in the direction you had disappeared in. "She needs some time to herself, I'll send Fleur to get her soon. In the mean time, you should get some rest." She insisted, guiding him inside and closing the door. Meanwhile, Arcanine ran quickly, heading straight towards Santalune City. You gripped his mane slightly,
walked over and placed her hand in his arm. He sighed, and looked in the direction you had disappeared in. "She needs some time to herself, I'll send Fleur to get her soon. In the mean time, you should get some rest." She insisted, guiding him inside and closing the door. Meanwhile, Arcanine ran quickly, heading straight towards Santalune City. You gripped his mane slightly, Advance Your Career From burying your face into his fur. You were furious, confused, sad, and above all.... Utterly baffled. You knew your father had wanted to move you out of Snowbelle City for several weeks, but you didn't think he'd move you out of the region. When he had brought it up, he'd wanted to move to Lumios, where there were more people. That was three months ago, and you hated the change of plan. 5 Actions to Address Inequity in After another twenty minutes, Arcanine trotted to a stop in front of the Santalune Pokémon Center. You sighed and got down off Arcanine's back, and opened your backpack. Inside you had some Pokemon food for Arcanine, and some money. Venalisé always restocked it for you when you came home from a 'Running Fit' as she referred to it. She would send her Furret Fleur to Santalune to get you after you were gone for 2 hours. She knew how you acted and where you went when you needed to vent. You fed Arcanine some of the food and let out a sigh. You checked your Pokégear and saw you'd been gone for an hour. You were still beyond pissed at your dad, so you made a decision. You led Arcanine to the North exit and climbed up onto his back. He seemed to get it and started running towards Lumios City. You decided to head to Camphrier Town, and stay the night there. You were going to town hop for a couple days, check out some of the towns and citys on the other side of Kalos. Venalisé knew you'd probably stay around the area from Santalune to Dendemille, so you were going to hop around to cool off. You turned off your 'gear, knowing the twins mom could track it if it was on. As much as you liked the twins, their mom was perfectly capable of telling your dad where you are. Sandra, their mom, was a nice woman... But she didn't trust you within an inch of her life. Then again, you'd gotten it a physical fight with Adrian over a Dorito last month*. |Time Skip After a couple hours, Arcanine stopped in Camphrier Town. You got down off Arcanine's back and walked with him towards the hotel there, renting a room for the night. You took Arcanine upstairs with you, and locked the both of you in the room. Finally, you let angry tears fall down your face as you slid down the door. Arcanine laid down with his head in your lap, trying to comfort you. deciding to head out early so you could get through Connection Caves as quickly as possible. your mother got sick. She soon died, her violet eyes looking their light. You couldn't find it in you to accept her fate, even after the funeral. Her white hair fanned out around her pale face, her favorite crystal necklace laying in her chest. You stared out the window, out into the snow. Growlith sat by your legs, whimpering. You picked Growlith up, walking towards the door. You slid on a soft sweatshirt, walking out of the house. Growlith followed you, as you walked out into the cold white of the city. You were gone for three hours, only coming back because a blizzard was starting. That was the start of you disappearing with the fire Pokemon when you were upset. "Venalisé where could she be?" Your father asked anxiously, gripping his graying hair to keep himself slightly grounded. Venalisé sat at the table, bouncing her leg up and down. Fleur stood next to her owner, trying to calm her a little. Sandra, Adrian and Austin's mom, had sent out her Avalugg to look for you, after being unable to track your Pokégear. The twins had gone into shock, Austin looking about ready to cry, while Adrian had broken several plates, punched a hole in the plaster, and hurt his hand. The two had tried to call you several times, over and over, as soon as they found out you ran off. 1 While the twins were used to you running off, you never ignored their calls like this. And you were never gone this long either. It was eight at night, and you were nowhere to be found. While the twins were worried beyond belief, they knew you were safe with Arcanine. He'd been your best friend since you were born, and watched over you after your mother passed. He had been your mother's Pokémon after all. You trusted Arcanine more than you trusted your father. Not that it really said much, you trusted a lot of people more than your father.
I'm the new owner of this but I will still give credits to the original owner of this book
Vulpicula_vulpix all credits go to them

Alola Y/n!! (Sun and Moon x reader) RebootWhere stories live. Discover now