Chapter 1

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Thea drops on her knees the moment she received the devastating news. She couldn't control the flowing of her tears and the shaking of her fragile body.

It was Ji Yong who found the letter at the top of the music sheets scattered on his table, the last letter he made for her.

No signs were observed. No intentions were displayed. Nobody has predicted it would happen. Nothing was explained. He just left her goodbye, goodbye forever.

"Baby I'm sorry" was all that he said. He didn't explain anything at all.

Were there problems bothering him, brought too much pain and made him depressed, that's why he decided to leave them? This soon?

Why did he not confide it with her? Didn't he trust her?

Or worst, maybe he got tired being with her for almost half of his life.

Is it too much for him to bear the life they had both shared?

There are so many questions running on Thea's aching head. Different emotions enveloping her, crushing her heavy heart.

She couldn't think of any reasons behind what her husband did. She is so confused and started to blame herself for not realizing there's something wrong, that there's something he's been going through.

Why didn't she saw the meaning of his faint smile and ambivalent look he had given her this morning?

"This isn't real," she convinced herself. Her eyes still wet and fixed on the three words written on the parchment paper.

"Thea, stand up. Come here, let me help you," Ji Yong offered as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"No! Leave me alone," she shouted. "This is not true! He'll come home tonight. He promised me we'll go to Lamaze class tomorrow," she said between her tears as she ease the rising contractions.

"All right. We'll go," he replied with sympathy.

"You can't! He's the only one I need!" She displaced the anger inside her on him.

"Please... don't say that," he said with a sorrowful look on his face.

"No... no... no... you can't," tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

Ji Yong looked away and felt hurt from what she have said. "Yeah, I am definitely not him. I'm not the one you need... but now, I am the only one you have," he told to himself.

"Why did  he leave me? Didn't he love me anymore? Are we not important to him at all?! How can he do this to me? Why now? I want to go with him," she sobs hard while caressing her contracted maternal pride.

Ji Yong grabs her arms, "Thea look at me. I know you're hurting so much. And you feel like you want to die. But please don't be like that! You have a life in you. You can't afford to lose her too," he seriously said.

Thea looks intently on his eyes saying his words got through her. She crossed her arms on her belly and said, "I'm sorry. I... I... I just... Oh God... Oppa..." 

Ji Yong's heart started to beat a little faster. "Hey, what is it?"

She said alarmingly, "Oppa, I think my bag of water has just ruptured."

"What?! It's not yet time right? I need to take you right away to the hospital!" He carries her like a feather in his arms and immediately takes her to his car.

"Breathe," he commanded her. Thea just nodded like a five year old kid. She began to breathe deeply and tried to calm herself. "Please don't let anything bad happen. Please let her be safe," she prays hard. "Oh baby, where are you?" Her tears start to fall again.

It only took 30 minutes for Ji Yong to drive at the nearest hospital. Outside the emergency room, he waits patiently until the obstetrician comes out from the room.

"Are you the patient's husband?" the doctor asked.

"No," he instantly replied.

"Are you a relative?" she inquired again.

"No. I'm a... close friend and her husband's agent. No one in the family could come here right now," he declared.

"All right. I need you to sign this consent," she told him.

"What for?" His eyes widened.

"We need to perform an emergency C-section on her. She is having a premature labor because the contractions are every 5 minutes and each lasts for about two minutes which should not be happening because she's 5 weeks away from her due date. We did a biophysical profile and revealed that we couldn't tocolyze her anymore because of the ruptured membranes. It is significantly very low than the normal," she explained.

Ji Yong doesn't really understand what the doctor is trying to tell him but the only thing he knew is that she needed to deliver the baby now.

"We could not risk them to be distressed. It's good that they reached the accepted weight. They just need to be closely monitored after delivery especially the second one."

Them... They... Second one... It couldn't sink in his mind. "Are you saying that she's expecting twins?!" he exclaimed surprisingly.

"Yes. You don't know?"

"Ahhmm... yes. Her first ultrasound said that it's only one baby while on her 5th month, we just learned that the sex is a female. We didn't know that she conceived twins," Ji Yong shook his head, still could not believe what the doctor have said.

On a cold and dark room, Hongki falls on the floor, numb from the pain and free from the suffering, unaware of the loud cries of the two wonderful gifts he and Thea received.

Baby I'm Sorry (HongstarxAileexGDragon FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now