a curious Barbie

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At the hospital, Sarah was playing with a flower that Jeremy left in her room when she woke up. She felt so happy that her longtime crush started paying attention to her. Sarah was very grateful to Victor for helping her with this.

"Hehehe" Sarah played with the flower and looked at the ceiling when she heard her bedroom door open. She looked at the door with a smile thinking it was Jeremy but who she saw was the new boy at school and she frowned "new boy why are you here?"

"What you saw?" Stefan darkly asked Sarah "who attacked you?"

"What do you want? You crazy" Sarah curled up on the bed trying to get away from Stefan who was approaching her, but in the blink of an eye, Stefan was already in front of her.

"Who attacked you?" Stefan asked coldly looking into Sarah's eyes and her eyes widened.

"An ounce... I mean, I think, it was all so fast" Sarah replied emotionlessly as if she were a robot

"Let it stay that way, what attacked you was a jaguar," Stefan said looking into Sarah's eyes "Make sure you answer that every time you are asked"

"yes, what attacked me was a jaguar" Sarah replied without emotion

Stefan waved and disappeared in a blur leaving Sarah alone and confused in her room.


"Who's there?"

"my god what the hell is going on" Caroline Forbes covered her mouth and hid her back behind one of the cave walls watching Victor transform into a wolf and finally fall "I have to get out of here now"

She ran towards the outside of the forest, too scared to even think about the situation. When she was close to the exit a hand grabbed her and threw her against the wall

"AAahh" Caroline gasped hitting the wall and staggering to the side, she tried to run again, but, her hand caught her neck choking her.

She can only look into Victor's eyes scared and see weak glowing blue eyes looking at her angrily and panting "Victor... it's... me"

"Caroline?" Victor gasped looking at the blonde's face "What are you doing here?"

he released her and staggered backward leaning against the wall "I almost killed you, you know what trouble it would be for me if you died"

He was indeed tempted to kill her, but he knew that killing Caroline would be a shot in the foot, as her mother would use all police resources to find her daughter and punish the culprit, Victor.

"I'm glad you thought so much of my safety" Caroline frowned "What the hell are you?" She looked at the exit, tempted to run, but something told her that she wouldn't be able to run away from Victor.

Victor laughed tiredly "what do you think I am?"

"For your transformation?"

"Not because of the size of my dick" Victor shook his head indignantly.

Caroline frowned angrily and looked down and then at Victor's face "Umm? Are you a small dog?" she mocked

"hahaha" Victor laughed rubbing his head "I would say a horse"

"No! At most, a medium-sized dog" Caroline rolled her eyes laughing forgetting her situation, and then widened her eyes "ohh my god you are a werewolf" She put her hand to her mouth in surprise

"Seriously, did you recognize me because of this?" Victor rolled his eyes "Alright now that you calmed down what are you doing here"


time passed, Victor got dressed and Caroline explained to him why she was there. Apparently, she knew about Victor's role with Bonnie, and seeing Bonnie was very pathetic and fearful.

Her also getting the news of the attack on Sarah, made Caroline curious to know if Victor was okay and while returning from buying some groceries she saw Victor heading into the woods and followed him.

"Are you an idiot? No! You're an idiot!" Victor bared his teeth at Caroline. "If I had lost control and killed you, or if I had been totally fine and had thrown you harder against the wall and you had died, do you have any idea how much trouble you'd bring me?"

"Again, thanks for caring about my well-being" Caroline rolled her eyes and looked at Victor suspiciously "and now what happens, you've already made it clear that it would be troublesome for you to kill me, are you going to let me go?"

"Of course, if you promise not to tell anyone!" Victor replied

"If I tell you, will you kill me?" Caroline asked


that was a relief

"I'm going to kill, your mother, your father, Elena, Bonnie, your cheerleader friends, I'm going to kill everyone you care about" Victor looked coldly at Caroline and narrowed his eyes as he took his hand to Caroline's face which froze " I will kill them in front of you, not before I torture them until they pass away to die, do you understand me?" Victor approached Caroline's face looking her right in the eyes.

that was not good

Caroline shook herself not to cry in front of those scary blue eyes, she then nodded her head unable to speak as her lips were trembling so much

"Well then don't tell anyone, then I won't have to work so hard," Victor told her "If you don't tell anyone we can ignore each other and if you want, I can consider you one of my...friends"

"What... what do you want in exchange for me being one of your... 'friends'?" asked Caroline with the obvious thoughts in her mind.

"Nothing" Victor shook his head "I don't want bitches if that's what you're thinking I just want to HAVE friends or something"

"Do you want a pack?" Caroline asked


"That's what you want isn't it?" Caroline asked "a pack, you are a wolf after all"

"Maybe it is that"

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