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"Damn, I'm better now" Victor moved his hand with difficulty as he left and entered his house through the window "I'll have to come up with an excuse for my disappearance"

Victor sighed and picked up the new phone and turned it on to check the messages. He squinted at the messages that had arrived.

From Vicki *Victor, you're fine, you're gone! Jeremy said you saved him from the jaguar, are you okay?*

Jeremy* Are you okay?*

Bonnie*Victor, answer me, are you okay? Aren't you hurt?*

Bonnie*Victor talks to me*


Ounce? Victor didn't remember attacking a jaguar, what he attacked was Damon... unless the idiot forced Jeremy...

Victor growled making his eyes glow a faint blue, he sighed and sat up in bed"That's it, I'll fix it later"

"Let's go" Victor tapped the phone screen and started typing "I'm fine, I just got a little hurt, nothing major, so I decided to go home, like this Sarah"

He threw the phone on the bed and sat in a meditation position while closing his eyes, he started breathing slowly and letting his body relax.

He once again felt the energy touching his skin, He opened his eyes once more and saw that he was once again in the forest which had killed the wolf, At first, he began to suspect that it was some kind of mind trap, but he soon realized that the forest was his inner world.

"That's interesting" Victor commented looking at the forest, he raised his hand and gasped calling the energy to himself. Energy began to enter his body. He continued to draw the energy into himself for a few hours feeling like it was some kind of water bottle being filled.

When he felt that he was filled to the top and the pain began to gently appear in Victor's body, he opened his eyes and lay down, the forest disappeared and what was left was just his room.

"I think that's my limit for now, but it doesn't change the fact that I have more energy in me than before" Victor sighed moving his arm and realizing that he didn't have any more pain" I have to start transforming, to get used to it and I know exactly where to go"

He took out his phone and gathered some clothes in his closet when he was done. Victor jumped out the window and ran into the forest


When he reached a deep part of the woods already on the Lockwood property, Victor put his backpack on the ground when he found a cave.

"Exactly the place I need" Victor commented entering the cave, he passed through a rusty metal door and arrived at the part of the cave where he was addressed. It was a normal forest rock with chains attached to it—the chains that could hold a transformed werewolf.

"Well, now just bear the pain" Victor knew he had no other choice, he would end up being forced to fight vampires more powerful than Damon and knew that even with meditation making him stronger, however, it wouldn't give him a chance to fight short term against vampires of 500 to 1000 years.

Right now, Victor has only seen a tiny difference in his body since he started meditating. He was indeed stronger, but a month of meditation only made him so strong as Damon that he wasn't even among the strongest vampires.

Victor took off his clothes, got caught in the chains, and concentrated in the same way that he made his hands change, he tried to do with his body the same as he did with his hand and it worked


"aaahhh, damn it continues" Victor cried when his body snapped, but, he didn't stop, he kept making an effort to transform until his entire body snapped and transformed.

He became a completely black wolf a little larger than he was before and continued to whimper looking at himself before transforming back into a human.

He kept transforming, again and again, dozens of times, the first ten times he cried and screamed but after the time, his body started to get used to the pain he started to transform faster and faster, at first it took him 10 to 15 minutes to transform, but as the transformation time passed, he was able to transform in less than 10 seconds

Victor in the last transformation Victor fell to the ground exhausted and felt all his energy drain, he spent a lot of his energy

that was not good

He soon began to meditate right away to start regaining the energy he had lost.

"Who's there?"

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