Chapter 15 | Fight Night

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"I've dug two graves for us, my dear. Can't pretend that I was perfect leaving you in fear"


Stephanie's POV


It was fight night. I didn't get to spend much time with JJ since basically the day we got together, because he'd be out training most of the day.

We were all getting ready to leave except JJ. He was already there, preparing for the big night.

I myself was very nervous. I knew I'd end up sad at the end of the night, for whoever would lose.

"Steph? We're leaving, come on." Ethan said, and we all got in a minivan and drove off...


Timeskip, the fight


Logan and JJ's fight was about to begin. The sidemen and I were all in the front row, and I'm not sure weather that was good or bad.

Just then, Logan was making his entrence to the ring...

He looked at me and gave me an empathetic look.

I smiled and held him a thumbs up, indicating I'm okay.

And then, JJ...

It felt like I didn't see him in ages, so seeing him felt sort of refreshing I guess.

He gave me a smirk and a wink, and I flashed him a smile.

Then, the fight began.

The boys went at eachother. I couldn't bear to watch it.

Ethan was sitting next to me, and I burried my face into his shoulder so I wouldn't have to watch.

And that's basically how the whole fight went. Logan was losing his stamina pretty quickly, while JJ learned not to run out of steam so quick. But Logan also had strong and pretty fast punches.

By the end, nobody knew who had won as the boys were going toe to toe. So we had to wait for the judge to decide.

And then, when the time came...

I covered one of my eyes with my hand and only saw JJ. Then, I saw his hand being lifted up but instead of being happy he looked... confused?

Then, I removed my hand and saw Logans hand was also in the air.

So it was.. a draw?

Oh no.

That means there's gonna have to be a remach. Meaning they're gonna be bickering back and forth untill the remach.

JJ and Logan were both pissed off which I mean fair, they both trained their asses off for a draw.

JJ then called me up into the ring to which I hesitated.

"Am I allowed?" I yelled out to him so he'd be able to hear me, not wanting trouble with security.

"I don't give a fuck, I'll make sure you are just come over here" he yelled back.

I shrugged and climbed into the ring below the ropes.

JJ wasted no time pulling me into the biggest hug which I returned. He put his head down into the crook of my neck and sighed.

"Are you proud of me?" He whispered into my ear.

Was I proud of him...?

Of course, I was. There was no doubt about that. But JJ asked me if was proud of him, instead of wondering if he was proud of himself.

Miss Olatunji | Ksi x Stephanie PayneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora