Dear My Wife...

Beginne am Anfang

Lylia is very adorable. She begins to smile now, like any other child. I did not tell you before, but she never actually tell what she likes or hates. Only after slowly warming up to each other, she finally opens up to me, though I hope she be more selfish. Her birthday is coming near. I want to buy a present for her, but I don't know what will be good.

...if you're here, you probably be excited to choose one for her. If it's you then, I'm sure you'd be angry at me for not spending all my saved up money on her. I'm sorry my dear, but I'll save up some for her in case of emergency. I know how I should spend money on her welfare and all that. But, this time, trust me. I'll do better. She's pulling my trousers right now, so I'll be writing off here. Don't worry, I'll come back soon. Never have once my love lessened for you.

12 December 2018

I'm terribly sorry my dear! It was never my intention to stop writing to you for so long. I know I'm making excuses but I'll explain why. I had just recovered from an accident during October and couldn't write. In September, I lost this diary. Since I've left you for so long, I'll tell you what had been happening now.

Did you know that our daughter is a genius? I might be exaggerating but she is too smart for her own age in my opinion. Just a month ago, she couldn't even remember any alphabet or number. Then, when I started teaching her when I was at the hospital recovering, she remembered it in just a few days. Of course, even after so many days passed, she didn't forget.

I thought she would be bored to learn, yet she asked me for more. I'm so proud of her. She was curious of many things and asked me to know the answer. My dear, I'm sure you'll also come to adore this girl if you're here now.

Now, I'm teaching her many things. For example, how clouds and rains worked, numbers and language. If there is anything she's bad at, I'd say etiquette. Hahaha, it's not like she's rude or anything. She's just straightforward and honest. I'll make sure she at least get the basic enough not to offend most people.

You don't have to worry my dear, I won't be strict or harsh. In fact, I couldn't do so since she is just too lovely.

Well then my dear Elysia, we'll meet again in another page. I love you, I miss you.

1 January 2019

......Lylia had grown a little bit taller. She started eating more. She began asking who's the woman in the picture with me. I answered that you're my wife, her mother. Then, she nodded and asked where are you? I—

4 March 2019

... Lylia was mad at me. She asked why she didn't have a mother like other people. It was the first time I yelled at her. I didn't mean to. I....I was just.... I'm sorry my dear, I know you're mad at me for being getting angry at such a pitiful child. I regret it the moment I raised my voice—

19 December 2019

....we played snow together. I know you're worried of her catching a cold but she's just too excited and I could not hold myself back when she looked at me with shining eyes. Did you know—

4 January 2021

....Lylia started going to school. I hope she fits in just fine—

5 May 2021

...Can you believe me if I say our daughter won a contest of knowledge!? As I thought, our daughter is very smart. It was good to teach her many things before. Her early exams grades were off chart. The teachers were absolutely surprised to how fast she was learning all these things. And—

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