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- 05.06.1980 -

"AAAAAAAH" a scream cut right through the air. Suddenly there was a rustle and a door to the master bedroom flew open. There on the bed lied a beautiful woman with blonde hair, mesmerising blue eyes and pale skin. She also had plump red lips and was quite tall and slim. Her name was Narcissa Malfoy neé Black.

"Cissa? What's happening dear?" asked her panicked husband, who had just entered the room. The man noted that his wife's face was twisted in pain. Lucius Malfoy was a proud man so he would later deny this, but at that moment he was scared shitless. The blonde slowly approached the woman.

"Luc... the baby..." Lucius immediately understood what his wife meant and called for a house elf.

"Ivy!" instantly there was a green little creature bowing at his feet "Go fetch healer Angel and bring me a glass of water. Tell healer Angel that the baby is coming. Go now." Lucius said. The creature immediately popped out of the room to fulfil her Master's orders. In the meantime Lucius was occupied with handling his wife and trying to get Cissa to calm down. He knew that agitated and nervous Narcissa was a dangerous Narcissa. A few minutes later a scared house elf appeared in the bedroom with a glass of water in her hand. Ivy as quickly as she could put a glass on the nightstand. "What took you so long?!" Lucius snapped. Ivy cowered in fear, her long ears flattening on her head as she stared wide-eyed at her Master. He wasn't happy and she knew that, but the healer was busy with the other patient so she had to wait a moment, it was only a moment though. "We will talk about your punishment later elf. Where's the healer?" Ivy, still a little scared, started to talk. 

"I'm sorry I took so long Master Malfoy. Healer Angel was occupied so I had to wait sir. Mister Angel will be here soon Master Malfoy." She was the only one of the Malfoy's elves that knew how to fluently speak English. That is why she was also the only elf that ever left the manor, that was just her job. 

"Okay Ivy. Go away, you're not needed. When the healer arrives, show him to this room." Lucius ordered. Ivy bowed low once again and popped out of the room. Lucius finally managed to get Narcissa to calm down. She was still in pain, but she was handling it the best she could. Her husband was constantly trying to support her, telling her sweet nothings and reassuring her that everything was going to be okay and that soon they would hold their baby boy in their arms. In moments like this she really appreciated that her marriage worked out well even though it was arranged by her and Lucius' fathers. Soon the healer arrived and the birth began. Everything was going relatively smoothly. Miss Angel was telling Narcissa when to push, when to breathe and how well she was doing. Cissa held Lucius' hand and squeezed along the contractions (poor man's hand might have broken by the end of the birth). In the middle of this was a very tired Narcissa, who was at the verge of slumber. She was sore, so when she heard the cry she was delighted. It was finally over. Her heir was out of her belly, safe and sound. 

"Great job Lady Malfoy!" said healer Angel cheerfully while cleaning a newborn "Congratulations on having a boy. How will you name him?" She gave them their son, so they could look at him and decide. Besides, the baby was still crying and the best way to calm the baby down is to take it to their mother. Narcissa and Lucius looked at the baby, then at each other, as if silently communicating. Suddenly Lucius gave a slight nod and said 

"Draconis Lucius Malfoy, the heir to the Malfoy family." Cissa smiled and continued.

 "Named after a constellation and his father. Good, as Black family traditions sa... ahh" abruptly Narcissa's face changed into a frown. Cissa gave Lucius a little boy she was holding and lied down on the bed. Healer Angel came right to her, when she heard her gasp. 

"What's wrong Lady Malfoy? Is something not okay?" asked Miss Angel and Narcissa indicated with a hand to her belly. "Do you have contractions Lady Malfoy?" Narcissa nodded. "Lady Malfoy, I think that you might be having twins." healer Angel squealed. Unfortunately the Malfoy couple wasn't so overjoyed. 

"What do you mean twins?" Lucius asked, horrified. He wanted children, yes, but he wasn't prepared to have two now. Well he guessed they would just have to sort it out, but he wasn't happy. Soon the baby was delivered and they had to decide on the name. The baby was a perfect child of Black family. He had black hair, blue eyes, a sharp jaw and a tiny nose. Strangely enough he was a silent baby, he didn't cry after being born. He also had less baby fat then the other baby, which was odd. They decided to go with a name they chose as a second possible for Draco. 

"Altair Arcturus Malfoy, after a star in the Aquila - Eagle - constellation, and his great great uncle." Narcissa said and motioned for Lucius to give her their first born. He was a cute baby. Even now you could see a resemblance to Lucius. He had some blonde, nearly white, hair, which was an identification mark of a Malfoy. He, as every baby, had blue eyes and he was just cute, their little boy. He was so happy that she finally could hold him that now she could spoil and scold him. Nothing was better than that, she knew he would be perfect. Draco would probably be a perfect copy of Lucius, but she didn't care, actually she was pretty content with it. What she wasn't content with, was her second son. While she wanted to have more kids, she wanted them later. She, like Lucius, wasn't ready to have two children. Maybe if she knew earlier than she would be happy, but now? Now her second born was just a nuisance. As Narcissa was deep in thought Draco started to cry, so she rocked him to sleep.

"Lord Malfoy? Would you like to hold the second baby?''Healer Angel asked Lucius, who was admiring the sight of his wife and his heir. He was so deep in thought that he didn't hear Miss Angel "Lord Malfoy?" Lucius finally snapped out of his thoughts and started to pay attention to the real world.

"Oh.. Miss Angel you asked something?" Lucius asked politely even if deep down he was seething that someone dared to interrupt him, while he admired his family.

"Lord Malfoy, I asked if you would like to hold your other son. Altair?" Lucius nodded, still not taking his eyes off his wife and Draco. Miss Angel passed him, his son and he took him.

"If that's all, Miss Angel. You can go." Lucius dismissed her. Healer Angel viewed a newly formed family and saw that while they were paying a lot of attention and were cooing at their first born, Altair lied in Lucius' arms - forgotten. She knew that she couldn't do anything as the Malfoy family was a really powerful, pureblood line and held a lot of power in the Wizengamot - the wizarding Britain's high court of law and parliament. She could only hope that it was temporary and that the Malfoy married couple would take good care of little, sweet Altair.

Ohhh.... How wrong she was.

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