ch. 12 'like your bat cave?'

Start from the beginning

"Are you ever going to tell me who those are from, you've been getting them forever." She just shook her head no and dropped the topic like that like she always does when I ask. I swear one of these day's, I am going to play James Bond and snoop her room to find out what it is.


After dinner I went to my room and caught up on some homework, after talking to Ash for an hour of course. Jay texted me, keeping me posted on if he founf the scum bags who blew up my car. He cancled training today after what happened, which I was surprisingly upset about. I needed to just let out some anger.

It's like ever since I met Jay it's been one thing after another and it was getting old. I liked him sure, he had grown on me, but I know see how dangerous his life really is. No joke. On the other hand, I knew he would protect me. He showed that, that night at the club when he saved my life. I didn't want to let him go even thought I was basically a dead chick walking and to be honest I don't think he would let me.

Finally finished with the overload of homework I crawled into bed, put the memories of what happened to the side, and fell into a dreamless sleep.


Jay texted me in the morning stating that he was going to pick me up for obvious reasons.

"We found who put the bomb in your car and tonight we are going to get him and bring him to the warehouse." He stated as if it was a norma thing and what is this 'warehouse' place? He never mentioned it before.

"Warehouse, like your bat cave?' I chuckled while I asked. He looked at me like I was the stupidest person on the planet. "Really kitten? Bat cave?" I nodded still laughing, oh how I entertain myself sometimes.

"Why so serious?" I busted out laughing. I just kept it going, I couldn't help it. I love batman what can I say?

"Hilarious Sadi, truly...the warehouse is like the headquarters." He mumbled. It was the bat cave! I just shook my head and laughed so hard my stomach hurt.

"Oh this is golden..." I breathed out between laughter, but eventually calmed myself down. I smiled at him. "Thank you.. I needed that...batman." He glared at me and parked the car.


The day was uneventful. Nothing blew up, no guns were being placed against people's heads, and no one died. I would say success.

It was about 9 o'clock when Jay called me and said they had the guy and he was on the way to pick me up. I jumped up and got dressed immediatly. I put on dark blue torn jeans, a white tank, along with my leather jacket and gun.

I heard his car pull up as I finished and ran out to jump in.

"Now kitten this is serious, no joking around or anything, your going to see a different side to me as I walk in there. I am a hard ass and a bastard. I don't want to scare you, but I have to warn you. It is not going to be pretty." I waved my hand as to say 'shut up I can handle it'

"I know who you are and what you do Jay, I'm going to be fine, besides the asshole deserves to be taught a lesson." He smirked and shook his head. "I've created a monster." He said chuckling. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, either way this dude was gunna pay for putting my life in danger.


He wasn't kidding when he said it was a warehouse, but I was still hoping for a bat cave sort of thing. We were in the industrial area in the city, like one of those creepy places where no one can hear you scream and the cops never bother to search.

Jay's whole demonor changed as we walked in with me trailing behind him. There were high shelves outlining the space inside the warehouse and what looked like an office of sorts in the back. I spotted a bunch of expensive looking cars also in the back, I could only assume they were stolen. What caught and held my attention was a man that looked about in his mid twenties, tied to a metal chair in the middle of everything. His face was jacked up and bleeding, which I assume was the work of the guy's bringing him in.

Jay walked up to him and crouched down so he was in eyesite. The rest of the guy's formed a circle around them' but I stayed hidden as Jay wanted me to until he called me out.

"Nice to see you again Will, I assume you know why your here?" Jay asked in a hard tone. The guy, Will, didn't say anything. Jay took out his gun and pointed it at his head. "Not gunna talk I see. Did your boss tell you to keep your mouth shut?"  He cocked the gun back and forced Will's mouth open. He then shoved the gun inside.

You could tell Will was scared at this point, his eyes widened and he started squirming around to try and break free and mumbled something. Jay took the gun out. "What was that?" He asked.

"I was told to blow up the car! I didn't know why...please d-don't kill me!" Will pleaded.

"Oh I'm not going to kill you..." Will began to relax like he thought he was walking out of here a free man. I don't think so sweety. "She is." Jay finished and that was my cue. As soon as Will seen me, he must of known who I was becuase he started pleading for his pathetic life.

When I reached him, Jay moved to the side and I took out my gun. I took it and hit him across the face with the butt of it. His head whipped to the side hard enough to get whip lash and he spit out blood...and I think a tooth. Gross.

"So you tried to kill me?" I demanded. He was shaking his head 'no'. "Well you blew up my car, I think that qualifies as trying to kill someone. "N-no, the bomb was set to go off as soon as you got out of school. I was told to bomb your car' but not kill you. It was made for you to see as a warning." He said. I scoffed.

I turned to the guy's. "Is there anything else you need from him?" Jay shook his head 'no' and I nodded. Holding my gun up, I knew at this moment there was no going back. No being normal Sadi anymore. I was going to be apart of this gang. I wasn't going to let them hurt Jay or anyone else I cared for. I was going to prove to these bastards that I was the wrong girl the mess with and with that last thought, I shot him in the head.


I know, no lovey dovey stuff between Jay and Sadi, but don't fret because next chapter it will come back. This chapter was basically Sadi's initation of sorts. Vote comment and follow lovelies! <3Stephi

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