I look back at Sugino seeing him still down .

'I think he was more disappointed at the throw then the failed attempt' I think to myself frowning.

Suddenly Korosensei speeds to Sugaya's desk and steals his notebook while surprising all of us as well.

"Sugaya! Not a bad likeness, I'll give you that, but I'm a little hurt by the jawline." Korosensei critiques while showing us the drawing

"You don't have a jaw!" Maehara protests.

'Sometimes our teacher is really delusional' I sweat dropped.

'Sometimes our teacher is really delusional' I sweat dropped

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Later, the lunch bell rings once again.

"That's lunch people. If you'll excuse me, I have some important off-campus business to attend to." Korosensei announces as he approaches an open window .

"Tofu in China?" Isogai guesses

"Actually, I'm catching a ball game in the Big Apple. Ciao!" Korosensei says before flying away like usual.

A few of us still yelp a bit from him suddenly bursting out of the window.

'I don't know how I'll ever get used to this' I think.

"He sure knows how to make an exit." I heard Yoshida comment. "I know. That thing is starting to get on my nerves." Terasaka growls.

"Talk about unfair. We're stuck here while he flies all over the world. The least he could do is bring souvenirs." Kurahashi complains.

"Think about what he would probably bring back." Kataoka says in response.

"I'm just saying an exotic snack would be nice. It's not like he has to sneak them through customs." Kurahashi says.

"You've obviously dedicated a lot of thought to this." Kataoka smiles.

"So hey what's New York chief export?" Isogai asks.

"I dunno booze" Maehara guess.

"Sucks we're not drinking age" Isogai comments.

"I don't think he'd give us any even if we were in age Isogai" I mutter.

Okajima says he would want a hot New York girl and Maehara agrees.

'Those guys are such perverts sometimes' I deadpan.

Though Maehara is definitely a womanizer while Okajima is a pervert.

Then Karasuma walks in with his lackey.

"Oh, Mr.Karasuma!" Isogai says, announcing his presence before we all fall silent.

"Children, any progress on killing the tentacled menace?" Karasuma asks.

"Define progress." Nagisa says a bit dejectedly.

Then we all sigh and avoid the agent's gaze.

"Yeah, this is E class yo. You've got to lower you're expectations." Hazama says while leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed behind her head.

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