"What happened?" Lao Mao whines, after noticing they weren't in danger.

"We have a new midsolo, Smiling accepts the offer, she's joining our team now," he announces showing the text, Lao K rolls his eyes and tries to go back to sleep, whilst Yu Ming, Lao Mao, and Xiao Pang smiles.

"We're having a girl?" Xiao Pang smiles, "I volunteer to design her room,"

Yu Ming chuckles and shakes his head, "Remember not every girl likes pink Xiao Pang," he looks at the support, "You'll scare her away if you shower her room with pink," Xiao Pang rolls his eyes and seats back at his chair, eating away the annoyance.

Xiao Rui laughs and leans over his chair, "It's okay Xiao Pang, she'll move in four days, you have time," seating back at his chair, he messages the company about Tong Yao agreeing, "There should be an official announcement soon," he sings happily after replying to Tong Yao about bringing her cat, soon he happily goes back to his reading.

'And the trouble starts now,' Lu Si Cheng sighs and goes back to sleep.


Halting the car in front of the new ZGDX headquarters, Tong Yao, and Jin Yang seat in silence, not speaking, not going on their phone, nothing, just in silence, looking at the road in front of them. Tong Yao suddenly feels like she has made the biggest mistake coming, and Jin Yang suddenly wants to run to YQCB's quarters and start yelling at Ai Jia. Neither of them moves for they know they'll do something they'll regret later.

"I'll meet you at YQCB's quarters," Tong Yao says in a fast tone, looking at her friend, gulping Jin Yang's grip on the wheels tighten as she nods her head, "I'll call you then?"

Jin Yang nods again, "Call me if anything happens," she says finally looking at her friend.

Tong Yao nods, "Don't try to kill Ai Jia, I still want a dad," she jokes as Jin Yang rolls her eyes. There is no going back, they were already there, already at their destination, it's too late to turn around and run away, "and I'm sure Ah Mao, still wants a dad too,"

Tong Yao looks at herself in the mirror, fixing her wig and make up before getting out of the car and leaning down, talking to Jin Yang over the passenger seat, "I'm nervous,"

"Sis, be more nervous when you go there without wig and as Tong Yao not as Cheng Xiao Feng the Former Prima Ballerina aka Amora  Wang," Jin Yang says. Tong Yao purses her lips close and stand up, looking at the building, hitting her thighs as she mutters a quick 'jiāyóu' to herself. Watching her friend walk inside the building and disappear inside the house, Jin yang stays there for a moment before turning her car around and driving to YQCB's.

Tong Yao walks in, looking around the house before noticing the small cabinet on the side with slippers and shoes. Taking off her shoes, she set them aside and puts on what she recognises as Yu Ming's spare slippers before continuing her way inside. Mouth gape opens at the architecture, although it isn't her style and cup of tea, Tong Yao cannot say that it isn't beautiful, somehow it isn't how she thought it will be, clean, organised and yeah clean. Living with her males' cousins, having their own play, or rather hang out house, Tong Yao didn't expect much from a team full of males.

Walking towards the computer area in the middle of the house, she notices how every computer and has its own characteristics that describes the person. Lao Mao's area has few things for work out, weight lifts, as well as photography of him flexing. Lao K's area is rather clean but full of face mask and skin care and few cute little plushies at the bottom of his computer. Yu Ming's area is as expected, clean and empty, nothing but few important things such as pictures, and cute little things from fans. Lu Si Cheng's area isn't something that Tong Yao expects, piggy bank inside a small white basket, surrounded by empty candy wrappers, and pictures of black goldfishes. Xiao Pang's area is another area she expects so much, nothing but surrounded by opened, non-opened, finished, and non-finished snacks.

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