15 3 1

I took a deep and heavy breath as I held the cold and steel doorknob.
When I opened the door, a lot of eyes were on me and....I kind of love it....


continued to walk until I am infront of a police officer who is looking intently at his computer while sipping on his coffee....The intense feeling was there but I didn't felt nervous

I cleared my throat indicating my presence
Then he looked at me with a questioning look while his eyes kept coming back to the monitor...

This was it.
If my man doesn't notice me, might as well do this as a proof that I am serious towards him
After 18 years of my life I wouldn't have thought that I would be ended up here

But it's worth it...for him

I looked at him straight in the eye with great determination

"I killed three people"

I confessed as he chocked on his coffee while putting it down on his desk
He abruptly look at me again while wiping the excess of the bitter liquid

"Who? When? And where?" His eyes held shock as if it's his first time encountering an 18 year old girl confessing her crime

Doesn't police officer usually kill people?

I mean bad people..

Anyways why is his reaction like this? Is he not used to this stuff?

"2 boys and 1 girl, at my house, it was 2 days ago" I said calmly like it's an everyday conversation....the nervousness wasn't showing


"Kyla brylle lopez"


"Umm 18 sir"

He then typed something at his computer before he hand cuffed me while taking me to the cell


This is it kyla .. you're finally on step 1

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