We stared at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing like drunken lunatics. I was clutching my stomach from laughing so hard, and had hard time breathing. Once I was done laughing I looked up at my roommates' faces, which made me burst out laughing again. After chuckling for a while, I finally had my laugh under control, along with the other girls. "Hey, Angel my name is Stella, nice to meet you." The pretty blonde girl with striking blue eyes said, shaking her hand with mine.

The rest of the girls followed pretty much the same pattern as Stella and at the end of it I knew all my roommates along with their special powers. Maya was the African American beauty, with warm brown eyes and the power to walk through solid objects. Andrea was the pretty brunette with green eyes and a figure to do for, her special power is the ability to read minds—I just think it's a creepy power. Just as the thought crossed my mind she chuckled, making me frown.

"Can I have a little privacy? Stop snooping inside my head!" that made everyone chuckle, making my frown deepen.

"I hate it when she does that as well, I remember the time when she read my mind and told my crush I like him! I was so mad at her." Brenda—the Korean beauty of our group stated.

My previous thoughts about wanting to escape this place were far off in a small chamber of my mind. I was having so much fun talking and acting like a dork with these girls that going back seemed kind of stupid. I feel like I can be myself around these girls, I have known them for just a few hours, but they never judged me for making lame "that's what she said" jokes or called me stupid for throwing random puns at them. I adore these girls; they all have different kind of personalities that settles well together, we are all different in appearance, but we bode well together. We are like an anti-racial association, our members include all sorts of races whether it may be African American, Caucasian, Asian, or mixed with Kashmiri and Caucasian, like myself—we have them all!

Andrea started chuckling again, I glanced at us and she was looking at me with an amused smile playing at her lips. "I am sorry! Your thoughts are just so entertaining; I promise I won't do it again." She gave me her puppy-dog eyes, making me smile.

"Guys I am bored, let's go visit the guys in there dorm rooms," Maya suggested.

Thinking about guys made my thoughts go out to the stranger who helped me go to the other side of the gates. He was so handsome; I wonder if he goes to this school or not, I hope he does, I really want to see him again.

"And how are we going to do that?" I asked, curiously.

The girls smirked at me, making me grimace warily. Maya shot out her hand, grabbing my arm, pulling me close to her, the other girls joined, making a circle around Maya. Andrea looped her arm through the one Maya wasn't holding, and soon enough we were all conjoined together through arms. I was so confused, what the hell are these girls doing?

My question was answered when I felt my body going through the floor; my eyes bulged out in fear. Before I could question this plausible suicide mission we were back on the ground. I looked around to find two guys sitting on a couch, gazing at the TV, with a bored expression on their faces.

They both looked our way at the same time, and their eyes lit up in delight. I smiled at the blonde and brunette man in front of me, admiring their exceptionally good looks. The blonde guy had shaggy hair, with a dimple on his left cheek. The guy with brown hair stood up, and stood right next to me, looking into my eyes. Without a warning, he engulfed me into a hug and squeezed the life out of me. Why are all these people so freaking touchy-feely?

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