𝟏𝟎. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭?

Start from the beginning

"How is that even possible? I know they live away from the main town but still there should be something." Kiarra was left in deep thought.

"That old hag is more capable than I thought she was. She must've removed all the illegal records we could find but why remove everything? That's even more suspicious." Beomgyu thought out loud with his hand under his chin.

"Is there something more to this? Something you guys are looking over?" Seonhee rummaged through the documents scattered around the table.

"What I understand until now..
..the first scenario is that whoever it is...has something personal against the Parks and is after the university building since it costs billions but it's not just the castle building its the land. And....the other scenario is that someone from the inside is doing this to get revenge....." Beomgyu presented his thoughts.

"Sunghoon doesn't seem to like his mother....." Kiarra spoke out unintentionally.

"But that's so obvious. He's in our surveillance since like two weeks now. He doesn't seem to show any signs of a psychotic killer. All his psychological tests were also just normal. No human who's mentally well can do something so disgusting and heinous." Beomgyu negated.

"Are you actually taking his side now?" Kiarra let out a chuckle.

"I have nothing to do with him personally. My job comes first always. No matter how much I dislike him I don't think he's the killer, at least." He explained.

"Well.....then if you put it that way....there must be two culprits then." Heeseung proposed his thought.

"You mean like the killer is someone else? And someone else is after the property?" Seonhee looked at him with slightly parted lips.

"Look.....if someone wants to ruin the university's image then they don't have to the extent of hanging heads of innocent girls and literally eating them. From what Kai explained to me the victim was definitely attacked by some cannibal with sharp teeth so someone is taking advantage of that and using this as a diversion to gain what they really want." Kiarra explained her thoughts.

"I think you're onto something eh." Beomgyu grinned.


"Did you buy the medicine or did you forget?" Sunghoon tried to initiate a conversation for the nth in the car ride.

They were on their way back from the clinic and Soobin hadn't spoken a word to him.

Soobin let out a big sigh and parted his lips to finally answer as he kept his head straight on the road covered with tall trees on the side.

"Yes." He answered with a serious gaze.

Sunghoon chuckled as he looked to the man's side. "Are you jealous by me and Kiarra? The last time I remember there's nothing really in between you and her. Or am I mistaken?"

"Take it however you want it to be." Soobin replied while keeping his eyes on the road.

"You could've just sent me back with a bunch of cops. You shouldn't have bothered and come yourself. Afterall you're a busy man." Sunghoon went on without taking a breath. "Or wait? Is it the fact that you've taken a liking to me instead of Kiarra?" He looked at the man driving with wide eyes full of mischief.

"You really think I'd like you in any sort of way. You're quite confident in yourself. I admire that." Soobin let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"If I weren't confident in myself then I wouldn't be where I am right now. You know I sometimes think that you and I are like two sides of a coin. I imagine myself to be like you if I weren't a magician. You know, lifeless and a grinch." Sunghoon laughed being quite proud of his witty comment.

"I take that as a compliment because it proves I'm actually serious at doing my job. Unlike you. Who even let you become a teacher? Oh yeah....your mother owns the college." Soobin looked at him with a silent scoff.

"Wow you're actually good at comebacks. This is fun. Let's keep going!" Sunghoon's eyes gleamed that made Soobin avert his eyes at him.

"You're so mentally insane. Why does no one believe me?" He sighed while shaking his head to the sides.

"What is there to believe? The fact that you think there's something wrong with me is because that's the same case with you. As I said we're two sides of a coin. We're different but we're the same. Am I right? Soob?" Sunghoon showed his teeth in a wide smile.

Soobin immediately hit the brakes as he felt nervous all of a sudden. He breathed heavily as he looked at the man with confused yet terrified eyes. He was everything he despised.

"Soob.....Soob......" The words rang in his head as blur memories came in running.

"How do you know this name...?" The man looked at the one in the passenger seat with horrified eyes.

"Soob? Oh I just came up with it right now. It sounds cute." Sunghoon chuckled. "What? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes. Don't ever call me that." He scoffed while starting the car again.

"Okay, Soob." Sunghoon gave himself a satisfied smile while Soobin decided not to say anything since it was useless.
Afterall he knew that he was dealing with a criminal and criminals always try to play mind games with him but he was far too used to it to fall for any of it. But still deep down he felt a weird feeling in his chest as he looked over at the man.


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