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kymillman Max and Lucia arrive together again today, however due to yesterday's incident Lucia now has a knee support which forced her to limp down the paddock!

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"Morning Lucia! How's the knee?" Christian asked as I sat down at the breakfast table "It's bruised a little and Dr Fox said to keep it in this for a couple weeks" I replied "I told her she should have stayed in bed today but no, she wanted to come to the track" Max said and Christian looked at him with a confused expression "Don't you dare" I whispered as I knew he was about to tell Horner about this morning "You should see the way she's limping, even with that brace on" Max nodded towards my knee "Yes, well. When we get back to Milton Keynes you should go get it looked at properly" Christian more insisted than suggested "Yeah, I'll call my doctors when I get back" I smiled.


"Max will you stop it, I'm fine" I stopped walking as Max wouldn't stand anymore than a foot away from me at all times, making sure I wasn't about to fall over "Yeah, well can't have you falling over in front of all the cameras so we" He smiled "I wouldn't anyway" I rolled my eyes and we then walked into the garage as it was time for Max to get the car onto the grid.

40 minutes ago

luciaquinn 40 minutes ago

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"Radio check Max" I radioed as it was 20 seconds till lights out "Loud and clear Quinn" He replied "Ok perfect, you know the plan" I said "Oh yes I do" Max laughed and then shut off the radio for the first lap.

Sitting on my stool in between Christian Horner and the technical director, Adrian, my knee was out straight and all of the member's on the pit wall were making sure I was ok.


Lap 37 of the 66, Max was getting agitated as Charles was in front and he couldn't get past him "Max calm down, Charles isn't the faster car and you have DRS for the next activation zone" I tried my best to get Max to focus like he was at the start of the race as an angry Max usually equals to a sloppy driver Max, and I'm not in the mood to deal with that later. "For fuck sake, why can't I get past him" Max groaned down the radio "Hang on Max, I'll see if there's anyway we can get more out the engine" I replied and Max was happy with my answer.

Turning to my right, I asked Adrian if there was anything Max could do "Uhm you could try C7, but we haven't tried that yet in a racing situation so I can't promise anything" Adrian replied and I nodded then relayed the message to Max, who then tried it and he got a little more power out the engine which was enough to keep the speed up round the corners but not enough to over take Charles.

Crossing the line in P2, Christian spoke to Max as he did a cool down lap which seemed to calm him down a bit but not enough that it wasn't noticeable in the interviews when he was asked about not being able to overtake Leclerc. 

Walking straight into the garage as I didn't want to be in the mix of people, risking my knee getting kicked, I went to speak with the PR managers of both drivers.


"Hey Casanova, you did good" I walked into Max's driver room after he'd had his shower and gotten dressed "If that's what you think Cia" He replied "I do, P2 Max! It was an amazing drive and you know it" I walked over to him so he was forced to look at me "Thank you" He looked at me "Your welcome Maxy, you know I'd tell you if you had a bad race" I wrapped my arms round his torso and he wrapped his arms round my shoulders "Can we go?" He asked as he rested his head on the top of mine "Of course" I replied and we both left together and then back to the hotel.

"You spoke to your dad didn't you?" I asked as we drove in silence "Yep" Max replied "I'm sorry Max, you don't deserve that" I twisted my head and looked at him "Yeh, it is what it is I guess" He placed his hand on my thigh and sighed, clearly not wanting to carry on the conversation  any longer so I stopped talking about his dad.


Getting back to the hotel, Max came to my room as, and I quote 'I don't trust you on your own with that knee'. Walking out the bathroom as I changed into my PJ's, Max helped me up into the bed as they were stupidly high "You wanna watch something?" I asked grabbing the remote control from the side table "Yeah, a movie?" Max replied shuffling into the covers. Flicking through the movie selections we went with the original Beauty and the Beast movie from the 1990s.

Monday 16th April 2024

Waking up to being curled up in Max's arms was the most familiar/ unfamiliar feeling, it was like this was how it should be but you can't. Rolling onto my side I looked up at him, all peaceful, I smiled. I liked Max being here and us like this. For the first time in years I hadn't woken up anxious and I didn't have to rush and take my medication. Shit. I like max Verstappen.

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