The Battle

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"These will be your assigned names, you shall not call yourselves your original names nor refer to each other", Ms. London said.
The object of the game is to go to Death Island and compete against each other to survive four days in the horrible terrain and deathly conditions. The main quarry of this is to kill the other 3 competing people.
"You will get to choose 1 of 4 amenities: a machete, a gun with 4 bullets, a water container or a bow and arrow set.. You will begin in 2 minutes," said Ms. London "choose wisely"
In the opening of the games, each person was a mad man. Chasing each other, going psycho with guns and ammunition, side by side darting towards each other. it was a total massacre. Soon everyone was hidden. No one could be found, each in their own world, fighting for their lives.
"Thud, thud, thud" went the sound of an inhuman demonic beast. 1 stood behind an old tree stump and 2 up in the air holding onto vines in a gigantic Banyan tree. Looking upon the beast with beady yellow, glowing eyes, they stood as still as a statue. The crackle of the dried leaves by 1 made a somewhat loud noise and took the attention of the beast. It saw it's prey in the corner of it's eye and immediately assassinated 1. Watching with his own eyes, 2 gasped for air in shock. The beast quickly looked up and spotted 2 in the tree above. He knew this was a predicament. He reached for the gun in the holster on his hip, but it was too late. The beast teleported to where 2 was and devoured his soul. Now there were only two people left.
On the second day , 3 and 4 went bonkers. The mud began to rise. They had to reach higher ground and fast. The water pools began to bubble and steam. The blistering sun began to singe their skins. What were they going to drink? How could they possibly survive these conditions? 3 and 4 became helpless and desperate. "Here drink this." It will nourish your body for the day," said 3. "Thank you," replied 4 with an unsure look on his face. 4 thought "why is he being nice to me? Should I be worried about this?" She couldn't bare to go another minute without anything in her body. She stupidly reached out for the cannister and drank what she thought was safe. The canister contents consisted of the sickening, poisoned mud water. It instantly killed her.
Ms. London completely disarmed of 3 being the only survivor (the winner) did not know that 2 was still alive. Though it seemed like the mad demon murdered 2, he was still alive. There was no known reason for why he was still alive, so the games went on. 2 and 3 were the only ones left and the battle became zealous.
It was the fourth day, the worst obstacles were released. There would be outrageous rain storms in the morning, lighting in the afternoon, and hail and snow in the evening. That is 2 and 3 knew what time of day it was. Expecting hail and snow, 2 played dumb and shot his last bullet at the control system in the sky. Thinking that everything would stop, the storming, the winter weather, the lightning, every thing became a hell hole. Electricity struck the whole entire island, storming, hail, snow, all at the same time.
Both were still alive, their hydration levels became to worsen and the last obstacle was yet to come. Nothing, nothing at all came. it was a time to rest and find peace. They both built shelters for themselves thinking that the worst and final obstacle was on it's way. 3 sat there under his bamboo shelter thinking, "How can I win this battle?" then the lightbulb in his head turned on, his plan was complete. 2 layed there eyes closed, sleeping like a baby with his gun by his side, not knowing it was the last and final seconds, of his life. " I win" said 3 with a wicked voice and smirk on his face. He pointed the gun at 2's heart and BANG went the pistol through his heart... There 3 stood, over the lifeless body, grinning widely with victory.

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