Chapter 12 - Blood Brother

Start from the beginning

The three noble girls followed with their Leonin, Tigrine and Leopine, demons that resembles a female lion, a tiger, and a leopard respectively.

James made his Arach enter next, followed by Lyra's Ent then Simen's Vulpid, a foxlike demon with three tails.

Mark then followed James' Arach with his demon then the rest with their Scarabs.

Each of their screens reveal a thick forest with very tall trees all connected by thick vines that hang across each trees.

"Who are those new girls?" James whispered at Mark while looking at his screen and mentally controlling his demon.

"Uhmmm...I don't know the General brought..." Mark answered with uncertainty but was cut short by the professor.

"Mark! Where do you think you are making your demon wander to! Just follow my Griffon!" The professor shouted angrily, making Mark stutter.

"Ssssorry Mr. Anub." He looked at his screen and seem to take a look at an open grass area with no trees. He made Frost look around and finally saw the pack 40 steps away then made it run back.

"All of you stay at the pack if you don't want to risk your demons being lost then killed by predators on the deepest part of this forest." Mr. Anub spoke emphasizing the word predators and looking at Mark.

After a few minutes of trailblazing, Mr. Anub's demon got a hold of a Barkling, a demon resembling a badger that is camouflaging itself on a nearby tree.

"This is how you hunt, you try to make the demon of your choice as weak as possible then drag them outside..." Mr. Anub's lecture was cut short with the view of a Minotaur surprising his Griffon and sent it flying with a powerful punch.

Luckily, his Griffon is agile enough to spread its wings and then go back to make a counter attack at the Minotaur.

"What is that Minotaur doing on this region, it is not supposed to be here." Mr. Anub was surprised as well but tries his best to keep his cool. "Stay back class! I'll distract this Minotaur then we all escape."

The rest of the class made their demons slowly flee away from the Minotaur except for Myrtle who made her Shrike attack side by side with the professor's Griffon.

The Griffon attacked with its claws aiming for Minotaur's head. The Minotaur tried to catch its claws but the Griffon quickly moved back to evade the Minotaur's grip. Myrtle took the opportunity to make her Shrike deeply scratch the Minotaur on its back, by its right shoulder.

The Shrike's attack caused pain to the Minotaur that made it move its right arm with extreme difficulty.

Mr. Anub's Griffon again attacked which the Minotaur tried to counter with its left arm but the Griffon simply kicked it with its hind legs. Myrtle again made her Shrike attack but this time, it scratched the Minotaur on the upper part if its right heel then to the left heel, causing the Minotaur to have difficulty in its movement.

Mr Anub's Griffon and Myrtle's Shrike kept on attacking the Minotaur alternately while the others watch the battle. After a few attacks, the Minotaur finally fell to the ground, when it lost its balance.

Mr. Anub's Griffon made the final attack by knocking it unconscious through delivering a powerful kick at the Minotaur's head. The Griffon then grabbed its shoulders with its talons, carrying it upwards with the lower part of its body still touching the ground.

"Ok class, that concludes our lesson for today, let's make our demons head back to the portal." The class made their demons follow the Griffon that is flying lowly while dragging the unconscious Minotaur.

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