Chapter 13: Desires

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Kinda smut?!??????????
(You can skip because it's not really progressing anything to the plot)

(not proud of this chapter because it's just pure fanservice but oh well)

You saw his face melt in between you, until he asked.

"these soft part of your chest, may I touch them?"

You gave him a nod as his soft gloved hand gently rubs your chest, you let out soft noises and covered your mouth.

Things are going fast, but you know you've longed for this, all the feelings you had for him that you tried so hard to repress bursted out.

You saw him smirk then began to give your breast and neck kisses, the kisses became licks, and the licks became bites.

His sharp fangs marked you, it was painful but it felt nice, in each bite you let out a louder moan, he likes hearing your sweet noises alot.


He admired your entire body, he stared at your arm full of scars, you were embarrassed, but instead Meta Knight gave your flawed arm gentle kisses

"Are you sure they're not painful anymore?"

"Mhm, they're okay now, your kisses made them feel better." You're talking about how his kisses made you feel better about yourself, him simply kissing away all of your flaws made your heart melt.

Meta knight crawled lower, and started giving attention to other parts of your plump body.

And just as he did before, he started running his hand through your thighs, until he grips on it, and started lightly smacking it, he loved the sensation of your smooth skin.
You thighs wasn't safe from his kisses and love bites too!

After he was done playing with your body he saved the best for last, it's to kiss you passionately.

He gave you a soft smooch first, followed by his hand holding your chin to open your mouth, your tongues swirled together deeper and deeper.

You heard his husky voice pant

He kisses you deeply until you ran out of breath, he was a great kisser even if it was his first time.

You  pulled away and you both giggled and embraced.

As you two laid in bed panting, you looked at each other, he couldn't help himself but kiss you again.

"mmm, but what about the plane were planning?" You said playfully in-between kisses,

"That can wait, let me savor you first, I want to taste you more." he whispered on your ear.

He spoiled you with nibbles and kisses to his hearts content.

"Haaaah...hah..let's call it a night" you panted, you forgot how your lover has so much stamina!
"Rest yourself well my lady" he ran his hand through your hair.
"You too....I love you" you said snuggling to your pillow.

This was the first time you said "I love you"
It definetly made his heart throb.

"I..I love you too"  he gave you one last kiss in the cheek.

You embraced him tight and placed his head on your chest, he heard your heart beat fast.

And u sleep :))))

(Sorry I can't imagine borb mk doing the nasty)
Not comfy to make a full smut either 😭😭😭😭😭😭

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