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When I woke up I looked around. Oliver wasn't in his room anymore. I looked under the blanket and groaned.

"Thank god!"

The relief in my stomach was overwhelming. I got up from Oliver's bed and I stumbled into the bathroom.

Fuck this is the longest piss in existence I swear.

When I got done I wiped and flushed the toilet. I washed my hands and I watered my face down.

Fuck I look as rough as I feel.

I dried my face and I brushed my hair out.

God nothing is apparently going to help me today. Except maybe a hat.

I brushed my teeth and then I walked into the kitchen. I made my coffee and took a nice long drink.

Fuck my mouth was dry.

I turned around and I met Oliver's eyes. He was looking at me. Searching my face. I instantly bit my lip and that gave him what he wanted. He looked at me smiling.

Fuck what is this man doing to me?

My moms voice rang out snapping me out of Oliver's gaze.

"We're you drinking again?"

I looked at her and sighed. I took a drink of my coffee as everyone was looking at me.

"Are you not going to answer me?"

I looked at my mom and I groaned deep as fuck.

"Mom I thought we passed this part in our little relationship we have."

My mom got up. She walked over and put her hands on the counter. She looked at me Right in my eyes.

"Well we haven't."

I shrugged my shoulders as I took another drink of my coffee.

"Then I wasn't drinking."

My remark made Oliver smile through his lip bite. I started walking away when she stopped me.

"Emma I'm so sick of this shit. All you do is get into fights, drink, smoke weed and cause fucking trouble."

I turned around and looked at her raising my eyebrow.

"Well at least I finished high school."
"Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?"
"Exactly what it sounds like mother."
"All I'm saying is maybe if you smoked a fucking blunt or got laid once in a while you would stop being a raging fucking cunt. What the fuck are you going to do when I leave for college anyways? You won't be able to control me or tell me what I can and can't do."

My mom tightened her jaw.

"You need to deal with her death."

I scoffed at my mom.

"Packing her shit up into boxes and locking her bedroom door like she's away at college isn't dealing with it either. I get drunk once in a fucking while mom. It's not the end of the fucking world. Why is it when I do something I'm a horrible person but, if it benefits someone then it's okay."

I looked at my mom as I bit my lip. I rolled my eyes and I sighed.

"Don't fucking talk to me about her dying mom. You wasn't  there. Don't talk to me about dealing with it either. You wasn't the fucking one that hovered over her putting pressure to her fucking wounds begging her to stay awake. You weren't the one who cried over her as she took her last god damn breath. You wasn't the one punching her chest trying to get her heart to beat again. You wasn't there when she fucking gave up on me and died. I mean for fuck sakes mom it took you two hours to even show up at the fucking hospital. SO JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT!"

My bully's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now