"Saiki," Teruhashi spoke up staring between the two. Y/n went quiet. Well her mind drew a blank. She wasn't sure why Teruhashi was in front of her classroom door. Not that she was complaining because Teruhashi was a very beautiful girl and Y/n could stare at her face for hours admiring how perfectly structured it had been.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Is this your girlfriend?" Teruhashi spoke up

"Why did I ask that!? Say no, Saiki! If you say yes I might die from embarrassment! I had no idea these two were a thing! No! They're not a thing! They're just good friends!" Teruhashi thought frantically waiting for the teen's answer. He stared into her eyes and with no remorse or hesitation, he nodded. Y/n frowned understanding immediately what Saiki's intentions were.

"Oh. I see."

"They're... Dating?"

"I'm sorry Teruhashi. But you need to find someone better than me. Just give up on me and find someone else." Saiki thought watching the blue-haired girl slowly walk away with a very conflicted expression the farther she got the quicker she ran away from the two. Y/n frowned seeing how upset the girl was. She finally shut the classroom door once they stepped outside and Y/n turned to Saiki who kept his eyes facing forwards refusing to meet her eyes.

"Saiki. Why did you do that?" Y/n asked removing her hand from Saiki's grip. He sighed feeling a bit irritated from the question

"It's complicated. Thanks for helping out anyway. Maybe now Teruhashi will leave me alone for good." Saiki thanked the girl who felt herself becoming a little bit irritated at the boy

"Did you do all that just to break her heart? Why didn't you just tell her yourself?" Y/n asked backing away from the teen no longer in the mood to be near him. Saiki glared at her

"You have no right to judge me for breaking people's hearts. You broke Nendo's" Saiki reminded the girl who felt her patience drastically declining

"Why would you compare those two? Nendo didn't flee the scene crying! We're both close friends now!" Y/n spoke out feeling herself shaking slightly.

"Get off my back," Saiki, "said" harshly to the girl and stormed off to one end of the hallway. Y/n felt herself becoming guilty for the way she spoke to Saiki. But she didn't want to go over to him and apologize because of how awkward the situation would be.
So she went to the girl's restroom.


"Saiki shouldn't be making me feel like this? So what if he has a girlfriend? He's just some boring boy. I can do way better than him." Teruhashi thought glaring at her bento box. Her eyes were so blurry but she was afraid to blink. Because then she wouldn't be able to stop herself. But it was all Saiki's fault. It was his fault for making her feel this way.

She blinked. The tears splashed onto the bento wrapping and for the first time in what seemed like forever her blurry eyes glared at the box that she worked so hard on making sure to perfectly wrap. Every little ribbon was the perfect length for the other one making it perfectly symmetrical. And now, her tears were absorbing the fabric leaving a small visible dot where her teardrops were. Teruhashi cried. She sobbed, wailed, and tried to comfort herself, all while hugging the bento box close to her chest.

"Umm." The uncertain voice peaked up from behind Teruhashi. The supposedly perfect girl was crying on the ground next to the toilet and hugging a bento box for comfort. Teruhashi felt herself heat up from anger. The girl had some part in this as well.

"What do you want?" Teruhashi asked watching the girl grow nervous.

"I'm sorry. I just felt bad for what happened. Are you okay?" Y/n asked staring down at the blue-haired girl. She felt her bottom lip quiver from the question leading her to break down into another series of sobs. Y/n jumped at the loud sobs that erupted from the girl. She kneeled next to the girl and pat her back slowly a little bit unsure of how to comfort her. Teruhashi leaned into the patting and slowly fell into Y/n's arms still crying.

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