Chapter 6 - A Big Splash

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Psylocke counted the minutes as they went by. Literally. She needed to know when they should be far enough out over the water so that she could attack. Someone a few rows behind her got up and started walking towards the front of the plane. Psylocke peeked back quickly and saw it was Storm. Traitor she thought.

Storm needed to go to the bathroom, so she got up from her seat and headed towards the front of the plane. She saw someone quickly glance at her, and then duck their head back into the row. She was suspicious. Storm walked up to the person and tapped them on the shoulder. The person looked up. Psylocke looked up. Storm thought fast and came to a decision.

Psylocke was ready to attack. But, Storm whispered something to her. She kept walking. Psylocke smirked. She is helping me from the inside. Psylocke decided it would be safer to infiltrate the X-Men for now, gain information, then kill them.

Storm went to the bathroom and returned to her seat a few minutes later.

Jean watched as Storm passed her and headed towards the front of the plane. She thought nothing of it. She peeked at Scott, and he seemed asleep. She couldn't tell with his glasses. She looked down and sighed. So much for talking to him she thought. Jean looked back up, and Storm was just going into the bathroom. Jean wondered what took her so long to come back, and just figured maybe someone had been in there and she hadn't noticed. She left it alone.

Scott stayed still, thinking about his brother. He missed Alex so much already. Scott knew Alex had died in the explosion, but he couldn't help hoping that they were wrong. That when they got back, Alex would be there to congratulate him and make fun of him for something. He closed his eyes wishing it would all stop. The death and destruction. He just needed to think about something else. He opened them to find Jean staring at him. He didn't move. Jean smiled and quietly chuckled, and went back to reading the travel brochure nonchalantly. Scott realized Jean must've thought he was asleep, and a small smirk crept across his face. That was something his brother would do, falling for that "I'm asleep" trick. He used to do it all the time to stay up late and read. Scott then returned to his sulky mood, remembering his brother, and feeling guilty about all the times he lied to him.

Scott let his mind wander, and ended up thinking about the day he had gotten his powers at school. He thought about the jock who would always bully him. He wondered what would have happened if he never got his powers. After mulling over it, he decided it was better that he had gotten his powers. If he hadn't, Apocalypse still would have happened, and it was cool going to Xavier's school. And he met Jean.

The large jet started rumbling, and the captain said, "Just some small turbulence. No need to be worried." Erik rolled his eyes. If the plane started falling out of the sky, he could lift it just fine. He had lifted heavier before.

Hank and Raven were whispering about something. Jean couldn't tell what they were saying, but she caught some words. Names too. Her name. She heard how, Jean, danger, glowing, powerful, and never. Jean was a little scared but more curious about what they were talking about.

Hank and Raven were sitting next to each other in silence, until Raven said, "I don't get it. How did she do that?" to which Hank replied, "Do you mean Jean?". "Yes. What if it's a danger to her?" Raven asked. "Yes Jean was glowing, but, it seemed like she had control over whatever powerful thing that was. Why?" Hank deduced. "I don't know. I want to make sure she's ok, and that she doesn't lose control," Raven answered with fear. "Even if she does lose control, we would never hurt her, Raven," Hank said comfortingly.

Peter kept staring at Erik. His dad. He didn't know what to do. Should he tell him? Peter got up, ready to tell him, and immediately chickened out. He thought well it would be easier to tell him when I'm not on a plane, right? I mean, I could do it when we land..... or when we get to the mansion..... or after the mansion is fixed and we're all good. That works. When everything is chill.

"Whatcha doin' Peter?" Moira asked. Peter stood there for a second dumbfounded, and said "Uhhhh.... Just.... looking.... at... the plane," then realized that was a terrible excuse. "I was also stretching my legs, you know.... that kind of.... stuff." He sank back down into his seat hoping no one could see him.

The whole time, Moira and the professor had been quiet next to each other. Xavier felt terrible, and Moira had just sat there, extremely uncomfortably. The whole flight, they never said a word to one another. Moira refrained from thinking about it. She didn't think Charles would break into her mind, but.... just in case. She was thinking about how all the other agents treated her badly because she was a woman. At least now she wasn't the only woman in her department. One of the highest-ranking women at the agency, and still was neglected and paid less. I guess that's 1983 for you, considering the ERA never passed. She sighed out loud and Xavier gave her a quizzical look, none of which she noticed because she refused to look at him.

They had been over land for a while before the Capitan said "Sunny skies in New York! In 10 minutes we will be landing at Newark airport, and you will be departing the plane."

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