Heartbreaks & Evil Plots

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Ezgi was at Laguna, reeling from yesterday events when she saw a tabloid magazine with Ozgur face. It was just a small section but it caught her eyes nonetheless.

"Ozgur Atasoy, infamous womaniser and nightclub owner, is said to fathered a son six years ago with ex long term girlfriend. Sources told us that the pair had met up yesterday to discuss about their son just weeks after Atasoy confirmed his engagement to fellow partner - Ezgi Inal"

Ezgi fainted.

"Ezgi! Are you awake?" Ozgur asked gently as he held her hands, "Ezgi please" Ezgi slowly drifted to consciousness as she blink. Why was she here? She was at Laguna, she was reading a news, she ... Ozgur has a son with Derin. He is the last person she needs to see now. "Please Ozgur, leave me, I want to be alone." She said as firmly as she could albeit weakly. "Why? I am here. Doctor said you needed rest. I was so worried you has no idea. I ran here as soon I hear the call from Emre at Laguna." He said almost choking. Ezgi scoff, this man certainly is too much for her. She should have known, how could she conquer the famous Istanbul womaniser, she was a nobody, he was every girl's dream. Someone has gotten him first. She was afraid he will abandon her for some other women but in actuality she and her baby are the home wrecker. She was second, they were second. "Please Ozgur, leave" she said as tears threaten to fall, she lean the other side, not wanting him to see her weakness. "Baby, I ... is it because of the news? I only know of it today. I was going to tell you." Ozgur said desperately, she had misunderstood him. "So you do have a child?" She half scream. "Baby please be calm, I did not know" Ozgur said, he needs to explain. "Leave NOW!" Ezgi said as she half collapse on her bed, this was all too much on her physical body. "Ezgi I ..." it breaks his heart to see Ezgi like this, he wants to hug away all her pain. Heck he will even take the pain for her if he could but she didnt want him around. "Stay calm, I'll be outside"

[Outside the ward]
Soft shouting could be heard. "Are you sure we shouldn't intervene Levent?" Cansu asked worriedly. She had just learnt the news from the doctor that Ezgi is pregnant and that Ozgur had fathered a kid 6 years ago. She had begged the doctor to not tell Ozgur about it, she knows its not right. Ozgur deserve to know but Ezgi must have her reasons for not telling him. He seems upset enough with the sudden knowledge of his surprise child but in her opinion, its hardly his fault. Its been 6 years, long before he had met Ezgi and he seems to be really in love with Ezgi. Ozgur shut the door softly and shook her head, for the first time, Cansu saw tears in Ozgur eyes. This is really bad. She knows how stubborn Ezgi can be, knowing her, she might never speak to Ozgur again.

"Ozgur, you can go home, think of ways on how to speak to her when she is stable. We will look after her." Cansu offered. Ozgur looked up, the tears in his eyes unmistakable, "I want to be here with her" it was already a very difficult day and Ozgur needs Ezgi to understand his plight, he never cheated on her, it was way before he met her, he needs to reassured her that it changes nothing about their relationship, that he cannot live without her. He needs to know they are ok. "Ozgur it's fine. We will take care of her you know that. You can speak to Denise about that ex of yours, she will offer solutions. Best to sort things out before you speak to her, show her you have a concrete plan moving forward" Cansu advised. She was right, a concrete and actionable plan to prove to Ezgi Devin is nothing to him. In fact, he isn't even convinced about this child. Why now after so many years? Just because he was getting married? If he was to never married, will he never know of his existence? "Please call me when she is calm" Ozgur begged as he stood to leave, "I will speak to Denise and Ozan. I will be back in a bit" Cansu nodded.

"Ezgi" Cansu called softly as she heard Ezgi heavy sobbing. "Oh my dear Ezgi" she said as she hurriedly hugged her. "I am a home wrecker, a pregnant home wrecker. What should I do? I am a disappointment to my family." Ezgi cried and cried, she could already imagine her mother's disapproving looks. They had all warned her. "Take me home to Bursa, I will leave Istanbul forever." "Hush darling, why are you making rash decision? Its not just you, its a baby now. Ozgur deserve to know, he will be so happy." Cansu said. "A baby that is probably unwanted by its dad. He already has a son, he doesn't need another." She said angrily, sobbing. "My darling, if I may offer a advice?" Levent said, "I have a beautiful daughter with a woman I no longer love but that does not stop me from finding the love of my life and if I were to have children with Cansu, that does not mean I will love our family any less." Levent smiled at Cansu, and she smiled back. "Yes and what about your daughter, she would have to look at Cansu and you living a happy life together while her mother lead a happy life with someone else. She will be all alone!" Ezgi said, Levent didn't have divorced parents, he didnt know, only she knew what it was like when she went to school alone while her mum travelled the world with uncle and her dad lived his life with another. She will never do this to their child, watch as Ozgur live with Derin while she bounce their child back and forth. "Darling, I think you have mistaken. Ozgur love you very much, you drove him to tears. You can still have your happy family, its just an ex and his child?" Cansu knew what was forming in Ezgi complicated mind, she was afraid Ozgur would leave her for Derin but it is evidently not true. "How would you know? He has had sex with hundreds of women in Istanbul. How many more woman would show up knocking at my door, demanding to join our family. I should have known, you warned him. He was far beyond my reach, I should have never try. I am so stupid." Ezgi cried. Cansu patted her back, clearly it is difficult to talk sense into her now. "Cansu, please dont tell Ozgur about the baby." Ezgi plead. Cansu is exasperated, she didnt understand why she is torturing them both unnecessarily, she was about to speak when Ezgi hush her, "I know you think I am stupid but please I have my reasons. I will be heading to Bursa tonight, I will inform my mum but I will not be at the restaurant. Please do not tell Ozgur where i am going." Cansu nodded, she knows it will be difficult to convince her otherwise, "but you will be contactable? We all worry about you and what do we tell Ozgur?" Cansu said softly. "Discharge me now, I want to leave before Ozgur is back. I will call him later. You can delete my number, I will call when I am ready again." she said firmly as she packed her things, she will be heading back to her hometown to recoup, she needed space and tome to think. Cansu nodded.

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