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"Now was that the coolest movie you've ever seen or what, girls?" Dad revels in his post-movie euphoria as they walk out of the theatre.

"Not really into the action part," Eva shrugs. Her younger sister rolls eyes at her statement. "That's the whole movie, idiot." She shoves Alex in the shoulder, not without receiving a few other shoves back.

"I don't understand. So he's a demon? But he's a good detective? Why would he want to take up a simple human job when he is so highly regarded in the underworld?" Mom questions, as she had always done with the logic of every movie they agree to watch.

The man of the family simply sighs, feigning a forlorn look. "I guess none of you liked Hellboy as much as I did."

The younger child runs up to her father in excitement. "Are you kidding, Dad? I loved it! Every moment was so exciting! It's just like the comics you lent to me when I was a kid."

"Hold on, you let our youngest child read Hellboy when she was a kid?!" The woman looks at him in disbelief.

"It's fine, just look at her. 17 years old and a very mentally stable and morally upright girl. Couldn't have raised her better than the way we did if you ask me. Both of them," he holds his hands up while looking at his daughters proudly.


As they pulled into their driveway, they noticed something strange. There at the front door stood three boys, looking from teen to young adult age. Eva and Alexandra shared a look, instantly knowing the two of them shared the same wary feeling about the situation. Their father told them to get behind him as he approached their doorstep with much caution.

"Do I know you and can I help you, fellas?" He asks, face now filled with a stern and serious look. 

The boys look at the family with a worried look in their eyes. "I'm Tom and these are my younger brothers. We're new to this area and I thought this was the way back to our house. Could you let us in so we can call our parents? We're a little scared to be out here alone."

Relaxing a few of his muscles, the man of the house pushes through them. "Sure thing, just allow me to open the door for my family first." The boys nod, never dropping eye contact.

As the girls walked past them, Eva caught a sinister look coming from the middle boy as he stared her and her sister up and down. She quickly pulled Alex to her side, ushering her away from their gazes in protectiveness.

"Now what was the number for your parents again—" SMASH.


"Louis!" Both girls and their mother shouted in horror.

The boys shuffle inside the house, leaving the man who showed them kindness with broken vase fragments in his head on the ground bleeding. The oldest one was now holding a gun, while the others smirked at the family of women.

"Give me all your valuables and maybe no one gets hurt," he drawls. The other boys eye the sisters perversely, a look so scarring and unforgettable.

"You don't have to do that. We are more than happy to comply," their mother lowly speaks as extends an arm out in an effort to shield her girls from the boy's range.

Just then a groan can be heard from behind them as their father begins to stir awake. The intruders instinctively turn to look, Mom takes this opportunity and quickly turns to her daughters.

Alexithymia | JASPER HALEWhere stories live. Discover now