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    "Shopping?" Louis asked. He wasn't trying to say that Harry didn't have clothes or anything, he just wanted to see Harry's fashion. "Uh, s-s-sure, lemme tell l-Liam I'm a-a-a-alive." Harry said taking out his phone from his hoodie pocket.

Harry: hey lili, I'm alive.

Liam: THANK JESUS, did he do anything to you? what are you doing right now? Do I need to come there? More importantly, do I need to bring my sledge hammer?

Harry: what!! No!! He didn't do anything. I'm eating Captain' Crunch.

Liam: oh? Okay?

Harry: his niece comes around once in a while. His sisters child, I think.

Liam: oh. So you're alright?

Harry: heck yea!! And he wants to take me shopping today!!

Liam: oh really? You excited?

Harry: Mhm!! Okay, I gotta go get ready :)

Liam: alright, bye Harry.


Harry put down his phone. "I'll go g-get ready." Harry said. "I washed your clothes from yesterday but you can buy some clothes and change in the mall." Louis said. Harry slightly shivered. He had one big, huge, ginormous (DICK) problem. Harry didn't know how to button his shirt. Nor tie his shoes. It's fine. He'll manage. He nodded and headed back to Louis' room. He guessed he's just use that shower, he kinda wanted to know, knowing Louis Tomlinson had used it, too.
He undressed with a little struggle with the buttons, but that's about it. He turned on the water. It was different from his shower at home. At home, he had two knobs, one was red and the other was blue. It was simple for Harry, blue meant cold, red meant hot. This one was weird. It had one lever looking thing that twisted around in a circle. It had a line that colored blue and transitioned to red. How the hell-? He just turned the lever all the way. At first it was really cold, then it got hotter. And hotter. And hotter. Then he was frying!!
He let out the most blood curling scream, sending Louis sprinting up the stairs. He busted the door open, Harry hadn't locked it, he was scared he would get locked in and Louis wouldn't be able to help him. "What happened?!!?" He screamed, just to find little Harry in the clean bathroom floor, curled up in a ball. Louis rushed over to him. "I-I didn't know- and I-I-I got b-b-burned." He cried. His back was a dark shade of red. Louis tried to touch it but Harry let out a loud whimper. "Oh love, it's alright, come here." Louis said opening his arms. Harry collided into him, even thought he was a little wet (😉) Louis still held him tight. "Shhh, it's okay, I'll show you how to work it, yeah?" Louis asked. Harry nodded and slowly let him go.
    "See, the farther you push the lever, the hotter it gets, you pushed the lever to the max. I'll put it in a nice warm setting." Louis said. Louis was completely calm while Harry was shivering for multiple reasons. He's naked and the other boy is completely dressed, he's crying and the other boy is perfectly normal. And not to mention he's fucking freezing. "You alright, Haz?" Louis asked, batting a small glance at the other boy." "M-mhm." The boy let out. Louis chuckled. "There's no need to be embarrassed, love, you didn't know how to work it. You can get in now, and I'll leave so you can have some privacy." Louis walked towards the door, then he heard a small little noise. "Thank you." Harry had said, with no stutter. He hadn't slipped, he just felt comfortable. Louis smiled at this and replied with "you're welcome".

It was after Harry's shower that another problem arose. Harry had put on his panties and his skirt. He had his shirt on, but it wasn't buttoned, he couldn't button it. He had spent 20 minutes in the shower and Louis couldn't just ignore it. What if he'd drowned? What if he'd hurt himself? What if he was locked in? Everything rushed through Louis head as he quickly jogged up the stairs. He knocked on the door. He heard Harry stand up very faintly. "Y-y-yes?" He asked, trying to calm his voice. It wasn't working. "What's wrong? You've been in there for ages." Louis voice was laced with concern. "N-nothing." Harry lied, a pathetic attempt, too. "I'm coming in." Louis demanded, opening the door that still wasn't locked. Oh how Harry wished he'd locked it now.
Louis came in a boy in lace panties and a skirt, what a turn on. He quickly tried to think of naked kitties, or a grandma, but nothing could dim the sight. "What's wrong?" He gulped. "I cant g-g-get the b-b-buttons." Harry ashamingly stuttered out. Louis wanted to coo at the younger man. "It's okay. I can do them if you want?" Louis asked. Harry nodded once again. "You're gonna have to start giving me more verbal responses." Louis sighed. "DADDYDADDYDADDYDADDYDADDY" filled Harry's head as Louis stepped closer to him.

CHILLING IN ME BOX AM I RIGHT? Anyways! Do you guys like Harry's House?! I DO!! I'm in love with Satellite, Grapejuice, and Keep Driving. Grapejuice oddly has green and blue in the lyrics!! Suspicious. Anyways! That's all I've got to say, bye!!

Song of the day: Satellite by Harry Styles ;)

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