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It was around 8pm and Louis heard Harry yawn from beside him on the couch. They were cuddling while watch the live action Beauty and the Beast. "Someone's sleepy." Louis said, shifting their position. Harry whined. "Nuuu! I not sweepy, LouLou es sweepy." Harry yawned once again, this time even longer. "That's it, Love bug. We're going to bed." Louis said, getting the remote and shutting off the tv. "Nuuu..." Harry tried to protest, but he was too sleepy, so he just let it happen.
Sure, Louis did have about a million spare rooms in his abnormally large house, but he decided on laying Harry in his bed. He figured it would be the most homey-feeling room. I know, dumb excuse but he just wanted Harry in his space. "Okay, I'm gonna lay you down here. I'll be in the room right beside you, alright? Just yell if you need anything and don't feel like getting up." Louis explained to him. "Hawwy don't like deeeez (NUTS)." Harry dragged out, unzipping, and kicking off his skirt. "Didn't have to do all that now." Louis said, picking up the white skirt. He felt like it would be wrong to leave the man he'd just met in his... lace panties? WAIT A MINUTE. Louis had a glimpse of a bright pink fabric. He hesitantly walked closer to the bed and pulled down the cover a little. Then he saw them. The baby pink lace panties Harry was wearing. Harry shifted. "That's cold!" He mumbled under his breath. Louis couldn't believe that someone he thought was so innocent, was wearing pink lace panties. "I'll go get you some sweats." Louis nearly whispered as he was about to leave the room but then he heard a small protest from the little. "What's it?" Louis asked, turning back to the boy in the (bubble) bed. "I get too hawt wit pants on when I sweep!!!" he said. Louis sighed. How was he to wake up tomorrow and deal with a panty wearing Harry? He hoped he would wake up big. "Alright, remember what I told you to do if you needed me. Goodnight, Hazza." Louis said, walking towards the door. "WAIT!!" He heard Harry screech. Louis jumped when he heard the loud noise. "Yes?" He replied, still startled. "Is it gonna be dark?" Harry asked, quietly. "Shit, I've got a night light down stairs, just wait here, alright?" Louis said, getting kinda tired. He jogged down the stairs and into the kitchen, digging in a drawer for the very old night light. He found it and quickly jogged back up the stairs, hopefully not finding the boy up stairs in tears. "Here you go." Louis said, plugging the night light in. It slightly illuminated the room but Louis could tell it made the other boy feel better. "Goodnight." "Night night, LouLou"

    Louis woke up the next morning bright and early. He never did, so why did he now? Oh yea, it was Tuesday. He checked his phone which was beside him in his bed, charging. It was 9:46, too late to go to school. If they went to school now they'd just be embarrassed and look like they were late because they did something like fuck. He decided to just get up and make breakfast. He can't cook whatsoever so he just took out all of his cereal, not knowing what Harry would like. He made two cups of coffee and a cup of tea which stayed in the microwave, he didn't know what Harry would like.
    Then the time came, a sleepy, cute, pantie-wearing Harry came stumbling into the kitchen. Louis felt his dick twitch. Please say Harry was big. "M-m-morning, Louis." He said, rubbing his eye. YES, HIS STUTTER!! "Morning, Hazza." Louis said, holding back an ear to ear grin. Harry looked at him skeptically, then looked down to see his panties. He buttoned up his sweater and pulled it down to cover them. The shades of pink nearly matched. "Don't l-l-laugh at m-me." He stuttered out, turning beet red. "I'm not laughing at that. I'm not laughing at all. I just think you're adorable." Louis said, leaning off of the counter. "I made tea and coffee, which one would you like?" "A-actually, do y-y-you have apple j-juice?" Harry asked. Louis wanted to go run up to the boy and smother him with kisses, but he had to control himself. "Yeah, would you like that instead?" Louis asked. Harry nodded. Louis gladly went to the fridge and pulled out a juice box. "Y-you've just got hose lying a-a-around?" Harry asked, silently thanking Louis as he opened the juice box and handed it to him. "My niece comes around sometimes. My sister, Charlotte's little girl." Louis replied. He loved little Annie, she was adorable and not a handful to deal with. "Oh. I-I just have Gemma and M-M-Mike. They don't have k-k-kids." Harry explained. Louis had seen Gemma a time or two and only noticed that that might be Harry's sister because of how much they looked alike. Louis didn't know where Mike would be, where he'd gone, or if he'd seen him before.
"Okay! Enough talking about that! What kind of cereal would you like?" Louis said, pointing out the 5 cereal boxes lined up on the counter from least sugary to nose sugary. Harry jumped and ran right to the Captin' Crunch. Louis chuckled, guessing that would be his favorite because it was all the way in the sugary side. He got out milk and a bowl and prepared the cereal for Harry with a little spoon.
"So, what do you want to do today?" Louis asked. Harry shrugged and continued eating. Louis chuckled at the cuteness.

NOW KISS HIM YOU FOOL!! So what will happen?? Harry and Louis will go shopping? What will they buy? Will things get spicy yet again??? Or will Harry slip and Louis will be stuck in the distant friend zone for a little longer?? Anyways! That's all I have to say!! So bye!! WAIT HARRYS ALBUM IS OUT?! GO LISTEN TO HARRYS HOUSE

Song of the day: Boyfriends by Harry Styles ;)

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