Chapter 9 - Miss A.

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Veronica P.O.V

I'm shocked, everything was too fast.
I need to calm down or I'll have a panick attack.

Some hours before

Me and Lisa  were going to school by foot, running like flash because we lost the bus. Yes I, one of the popular girls; member of one of the richest family's in this place, go by bus.
But were not running only because of that, it's because we're late to OUR HISTORY TEST, well in her case is the science test, and we suck at this subjects and guess what... we didn't study
Could this day be worst that already is????

It could.

After the test

Lisa: Soooooo, how did it go???

Veronica: Pretty shitty actually, you??

Lisa: It went great!

Veronica: Really?!

Lisa: Yeah! I cheated!!

Veronica: That explains everything....

Mady:!!!! You're  friends with that....nerd?!

Veronica: She's my sister....

Mady: She's not your sister. If she was...she woulnd't have a diferent hair color to you...

Lisa: My parents have diferent hair colors, something that you've might not have thought of 'cause you're dumb.

Mady: *laughts* You didn't let me finish the sentece, you can't be Veronica's SISTER because you're not a real woman, Lisa...or should I say........Liam... 

I couldn't just stay hearing that....that connard  saying shit about my sister. So I punched her in the middle of her  bitch face and we kept fighting until one of the teachers stopped us and we had to go to the principal. He called our parents, well her parents. Mine were busy at work at least my dad was.....strange....

Veronica: Mr. James... Do you know why my mom isn't here??? 

Mr. James(principal): We tried to call her but she didn't answerd the phone, so while I talked with ms. Whinehouse parents, you can go back to your classes. We will call you when we have any news about it. 

Veronica: Thanks...

I went back to my classes and I waited 3 FUCKING HOURS until the principal called me, but when I got there, Lisa and Ben were also there.

Principal: We tried to call your mother, but unfortunatily she wasn't answering, so we called your father that called her job and.... we were informned that she died in a car accident....

....We didn't know what to say.....

Back to the present

We went to grab our things and go home

Alice: VERONICA!!!

Veronica: Oh Alice! Hi, do you need something???

Alice: ... Are you okay??

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