Chapter 4 - The Underworld

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On this chapter:

LinLin: No, no,no,no,no, don't scream!!!

Alice: How am i supposed to don't scream, in my world when a person  appers in a mirror, the first thought that you have is: "Oh,well, I'm gonna die today" - I said with a sarcastic voice

LinLin: Yeah, sorry 'bout that, still getting used with this things

I gaved a closer look to her and she didn't looked like Sir D.
She has blue skin and scales like if she's a fish, a broken head and and a eye tatto on her arm, maybe she isn't human

Alice: Uhm...What are you?

LinLin: a long story, that I shouldn't share, b-but I didn't came here to tell you 'bout my past, I came here to show you the Underworld!!!!!

Alice: What's the Underworld ?

LinLin: Didn't you read the online information??

Alice: Sorry, I don't know how to read Poneglyfs...

LinLin: 💭Uhm fair enought💭. Changing the subject, I think you know why I'm here.

Alice: Kinda, yeah...

LinLin: Great!!! Hope your ready.

Alice: Ready for wha-

She interrupted me by grabbing my rist and pushing me into the mirror with her and we made a crazy trip until we get in the Underworld.
The place was pretty cool, at least for me, a person who loves horror movies. Everything in there is dark there's always some kinda ghosts on the roof, a lot of spider webs and skulls.

LinLin took me into some dark and scary rooms, like if it was the backrooms but the walls were black, with a throne, a giant one, in the midle of the room.

Alice: What are we doing here anyways?

LinLin: You'll see... - she changed her happy and joyfull personality to a serious and focused one.... am I going to die???

Sir D.:*apears*

Okay, maybe I'm not going to die

Sir D.: Oh! It looks like you've made your decision. - I nodded - Great, so wich one is it?

Alice: The second one.

Sir D.: Uhm... okay. Well then, LinLin will be your mentor.

Alice: Sorry, a mentor for what exacly?

Sir D.: If your working for me, you're doing one of these 4 things: someone who sees if a person goes to "heaven" or "hell"; the person who brings the spirit of people who died to here; the person who takes a spirit to "heaven" and the person who keeps the...let's call them "evil spirits" in their place.

Alice: And wich one am I doing?

Sir D.: Uhmmmmmmmm, you can beeeeeeeeeee the person who brings the spirits, what 'ya think?

Alice: Yeah sure, that seems easy! - I said confident.

Sir D.: *laughing* It's not, but don't be scared I think you'll do great, especeally with LinLin's help.

Sir D. looks like he trust LinLin a lot, she doesn't look very serious and... a, not working person, some minutes ago she was making jokes and laughing

Does she has a double personality???????

We went back to my room and she explained me with more details and said that I had to chose a "different" clothes and that I had to dye my hair red

LinLin:  So that is the clothes that you wanna wear until you finish the work with Sir D.?

Alice: Yeah,what 'ya think?

LinLin: I think.... it's amazing I never saw something so prettyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alice: You really think so, nobody ever liked my draws, well, except for my aunt and....

LinLin: I understood, you don't have to share it if you don't feel confortable about it. - LinLin seems like a nice person, a dead one but she's still  nice . - Just some things before you start working: you can't talk about this "job" to anyone, except the people who you work with; whoever annoiys you DO NOT GET IN DETENTION,you need to do an exact time, wich is 18h-00h and you can't fight with any spirits that you go trought, Sir D. will get very pissed if you do any one of these.

Alice: Okay, I got, just one thing, when do I start working ?

LinLin: Tommorow.

Alice: Oh, okay then.


Hope you liked this chapter
If you havr any questions don't be afraid to ask


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