02. The Weirdo On Maple Street

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Welcome to the second chapter! Just so you know, I made some mistakes with confusing Catalina for Will when writing the first chapter. Thankfully, I fixed the mistakes, but if I make any in this chapter and any future ones, please let me know 😅

Also, I just wanted to clarify that Nine is Varian's assigned number from Hawkins Lab. It was just a random number that I gave him since I didn't want to copy El. Also, I'm going to make it so he finds a paper with his real name on it so he remembers what it is. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

As the rain poured harder and harder outside, the party and the mysterious boy were in Y/n's basement. They had indeed taken the boy home with them and weren't sure what to do. While the boy was awkwardly sitting on the couch, fiddling with his oversized T-shirt, everyone else wanted to ask him questions.

"Is there a number we can call? For your parents?" Y/n wondered.

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" Ruddiger piped.

"Did you run away?" Rapunzel asked.

"Are you in some kind of trouble?" Y/n inquired.

"Is that blood?" Rapunzel said puzzled. She reached for the boy's face, when Y/n smacked her hand away.

"Stop it! You're freaking him out!"

"He's freaking me out!"

"I bet he's deaf," Ruddiger challenged. He clapped loudly in front of the boy, causing him to flinch (That's totally me lol). "Not deaf."

"That's enough, all right? He's just scared and cold," Y/n pleaded. She walked over to a nearby laundry basket and grabbed something for the boy to wear. "Here, these are clean, ok?"

With some hesitation, the boy took the clothes and tried to remove the oversized T-shirt from his body.

Both Ruddiger and Rapunzel covered their eyes and looked away, yelling out things like, "No" and "Oh my gosh".

Y/n quickly stopped the boy before he could fully undress. Her face was a deep shade of red.

"S-see over there? Th-that's the bathroom. Privacy. Get it?" Y/n stammered. She lead the boy to the bathroom across the room. When the boy stepped into the bathroom, Y/n tried to close the door, but the boy stopped her. "You don't want it closed?"

"No," the boy mumbled.

Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, so you can speak. Ok, well...um, how about we just keep the door..."

She slowly closed the door and stopped at around four inches open.

"...just like this. Is that better?"

"Yes," the boy agreed. Y/n smiled slightly and left the boy to change.

"This is mental!" Ruddiger decided.

"At least he can talk," Y/n defended.

"He said no and yes. Your three year old sister says more," Rapunzel scoffed.

"He tried to get naked!" Ruddiger emphasized.

"There's something seriously wrong with him. Like, wrong in the head," Rapunzel added.

"He just went like-" Ruddiger pantomimed flipping his shirt up.

"I bet he escaped from Pennhurst," Rapunzel began.

"From where?" Y/n asked.

"The nuthouse in Kerley County."

"You got a lot of family there?" Ruddiger joked.

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